Chapter 1055 He Was Disgusted

"Tian Zong, can you be a little more naive?" Fei Mo's eyes suddenly sank, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Tian Zong.

This guy, don't you know how childish he looks like?
Tian Zong's face suddenly darkened, his brows were tightly frowned, and he didn't speak.

Feimo and Shitian looked at each other, thinking in their hearts, did this guy get enlightened today?

"Damn! Feimo, how long has it been since you called me by my name?" Tian Zong glared at Feimo suddenly with a serious face.

That look, as if Feimo had done something wrong to him, accusing him seriously.

Feimo: "."

Killing the sky: "."

This little idiot is hopeless.

Can it be more shocking?

Who exactly trained the children, why are they so weird, their personalities are nothing like them.

"Get out." Bai Baitian glanced at him, and Feimo didn't want to pay attention to him.

Talking to this guy will really kill him.

Tian Zong frowned, clenched his fists, and looked at Fei Mo viciously: "Okay, I decided not to talk to you, a boring person."

After saying that, he turned his head seriously, and looked at Shi Tian beside him, the brows that were already knit together deepened, and he curled his lips in disgust: "Shi Tian, ​​you are more boring than Fei Mo."

The whole is a man of few words.

He decided to go to frivolous.

"You think you won't be bullied if you're frivolous, so go find him." Feimo propped his chin with one hand, his tone was lazily with a hint of evil, as if he was just talking about things that didn't matter to him.

However, Tian Zong stopped when he just stood up, and then continued to sit down. The two brothers hooked Feimo's neck and laughed lightly: "I knew we were the best partners. For the sake of your sincere apology, I won't argue with you."

After finishing speaking, he patted Feimo on the shoulder generously.

Feimo's face darkened immediately: "."

Shi Tian couldn't help laughing, shook his head and sighed, cast a look at Fei Mo, and communicated silently.

Are you sure this guy is a normal person?
When has he been normal?

Fei Mo gave Shi Tian a look back, and let out a cold snort in his heart.

I think so, even if Uncle Sanhuang talks a lot, he doesn't have the potential of this kind of Xiaobai.

Shi Tian couldn't help shaking his head.

It is estimated that the wrong child was held in the first place.

Fei Mo rolled his eyes.

Shitian shook his head helplessly and regretfully, and did not speak any more.

Seeing the eye contact between the two, Tian Zong was immediately curious: "Since when did you two get along so well?" You can understand what each other is saying without talking.

His big eyes looked for a while, but he couldn't understand anything.

Could it be that he hasn't reached that realm yet?
Feimo and Shi Tianqiqi turned their heads and looked at Tianzong with disdain, as if they were disgusted with his IQ.

Feimo snorted coldly, and said coolly: "How can someone with too much potential in Xiaobai understand this?"

The implication is that he despises Tian Zong's IQ.

Tian Zong suddenly became chaotic in the wind: "."

He was tangled up, his brows furrowed slightly.

Is he a noob?

He felt that he was normal in front of others.

Why was he the one being bullied in front of them?
 He was suddenly tangled up.

Feimo glanced at Tianzong, but said nothing.

The scene in Tianzong's room this morning suddenly popped up in his mind, and his eyes sank slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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