The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1075 He Doesn't Know Him

Chapter 1075 He Doesn't Know Him

"Mo, does it sound good?" Ling Rumo turned to look at the man in ink, and asked with pursed lips.

She didn't know his name, but seeing him always dressed in ink, she called him Mo.

"It sounds good." Mo hooked the corners of his lips, his voice was no longer as cold as it was a month ago, but with a slight smile.

"You always say nice things, I don't believe you anymore." Ling Rumo turned her head pretending to be angry, with a coquettish charm in her tone.

Mo laughed softly, knelt down, came to the woman, and smiled slightly: "Are you angry?"

She plays very well, and he always praises her like this, it seems to have become a habit.

"I lied to you." Ling Rumo chuckled and blinked mischievously.

Shui Ling's eyes are soft and beautiful, but also have the innocence of a child.

Mo got up and didn't speak.

"Mo, shall we go shopping?" Ling Rumo also stood up and put his little hand on his arm.

"Want to go out?" Without pulling her hand away, Mo turned his head and smiled wickedly.

 "Well, let's go out and have a look together, isn't it boring for you to stay in the house and not go out?" She smiled and blinked seriously.

Mo smiled lowly, and his thin lips curled slightly: "Okay."

"Well, let's go." After getting his answer, his clear pupils were full of smiles.

On the street, the two walked hand in hand, forming a beautiful landscape.

Holding Ling Rumo's hand, Mo Xie smiled wildly: "Where do you want to go?"

She loves to smile very much, and that smile is also very beautiful and pure.

"Let's think about it." Slightly turning his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in them: "Let's go"

Before the rest of the words could be spoken, they were interrupted by a man's voice from ahead.

"Fei Mo!" Tian Zong stood in front of him in a daze, looked at the familiar face, and stopped in his tracks instantly.

Fair skin, handsome facial features, perfect chin, handsome profile, wicked smile, everything is so familiar, everything is so clear.

found it.
he found
 "Mo, is that man calling you?" Ling Rumo asked curiously after looking at the man in white in front of him.

"I don't know." Mo shook his head as he glanced indifferently at the man in white not far in front of him.

Hearing the man's indifferent words, it was like five thunderbolts hitting Feimo's head.

No, he said, he didn't know him!

Depend on!
How could you not know him!
He strode forward, staring at Feimo: "Feimo, tell me, you don't know me?"

If you dare to say it a second time, he really can't help but beat him up.

"Get lost!" Seeing the man in white in front of him, Mo frowned displeased.

I just felt strange for a while.

Tian Zong frowned suddenly, and stared at Fei Mo: "I know, I did something wrong, but isn't one month enough? One month is enough to punish me, and one month is enough for you to disappear without a trace. Without a trace, we can't find you.

I know it's my fault.

But, it's been a month, don't you still feel angry?Do you know how worried we are? "

Will this punishment be too much?

He was so worried about him, but what he got in return was that he didn't know a word.

"Did you recognize the wrong person?" Mo frowned, his eyes full of indifference and displeasure.

Seeing the indifference and strangeness in his eyes, Tian Zong's heart suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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