Chapter 1089 The Rage of Heaven
"Okay." Ling Rumo nodded with a smile, her expression and smile were very gentle.

Tian Zong lowered his eyelashes, and there was a hint of coldness and complexity in his eyes.

The four of them stood at the bow of the boat, surrounded by many lights, illuminating this area very brightly.

Beautiful face, dust-free temperament, everyone is different and extraordinary.

In this way, it naturally attracted the attention of the rest of the people around.

"Look, the two couples on that boat are so beautiful!"

"Yeah, it's a good match!"


There were exclamations and praises from all around.

Feng Jin hooked the corners of her lips, turned to look at Tian Zong beside her, and really wanted to say, if her family Wuchen was here, they would be a better match.

Speaking of it, she kind of misses her house being dust-free.

His eyes flicked across Tianzong, looked at Feimo, and muttered in his heart, when did Feimo recover his memory.

His eyes turned slightly, and then, he let go of Tian Zong's hand, walked towards Ling Rumo who was at the side, and chuckled softly: "Rumo, let's go play on that boat."

Ling Rumo looked in the direction of her finger, blinked her eyes, and nodded: "Okay."

The people on that boat were none other than the frivolous group.

Feng Jin nodded with a smile, turned to look at Tian Zong, and blinked: "Tian Zong, I'll take Rumo to play with Qingyin and the others, and I'll be back later."

Therefore, the time alone is naturally reserved for them.

Tian Zong nodded, no objection.

Feng Jin didn't give Feimo time to speak, so she flew up, embraced Ling Rumo's body, and walked towards the big boat where the situation and the others were.

Their boats are very big, so they can go to play in the cabin, and people outside cannot see the scene inside.

Seeing Ling Rumo being taken away, Fei Mo frowned and didn't say much.

He saw the smile on her face, so he asked her to play for a while, and he had no objection.

On this big boat, only him and Tian Zong were left.

The two beautiful men stood at the bow, which naturally caused many women around to stop and watch, which was very pleasing to the eye.

Not wanting to have too many words with Tian Zong, Fei Mo turned and walked towards the cabin.

Seeing Fei Mo walking towards the cabin without saying a word, Tian Zong frowned.

Does he just not want to talk to him?

Or, did he put all his thoughts on that woman?
Looking at it like this, a flash of anger flashed in my heart.

Turning around, I also walked towards the cabin.

Feimo sat on the chair alone, drinking wine, without speaking.

Tian Zong looked at Fei Mo displeased, and said angrily, "Why didn't you talk to me?"

Does he make him so annoying?

"Why did you say that?" Fei Mo looked up at Tian Zong, puzzled.

Tian Zong frowned tightly, came to sit opposite him, poured a glass of wine, and drank it down.

Even if he is angry, even if he is unhappy, the movement of drinking is so elegant and attractive.

Fei Mo's brows furrowed indistinctly.

"When are you going back?" Looking at Tian Zong with raised eyebrows, the question made no sense.

"What?" Tian Zong was a little confused.

"I want to take Rumo home early." Feimo frowned.

Ling Rumo said that she can't play outside too late.

After all, she is still a woman who has not left the cabinet.

"You don't want to see me that much, and you like her that much?" Tian Zong was completely angry.

Did he start to miss her after being separated from that woman for a while?
Feimo, you are really so cruel
(End of this chapter)

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