Chapter 1097 Get together 1
Obviously, Tian Zong misunderstood his words again.

There was a wry smile in my heart.

It turned out that his relationship made him so shameless that he didn't want others to find out.

So, what can he say?

Turning around, he didn't look at Feimo again, lowered his eyes, admiring the emerald green lake water, but his heart was not very peaceful, his heart ached slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" Feimo was puzzled.

He naturally didn't know that Tian Zong had misunderstood what he said, but he didn't understand why he changed suddenly.

He is extremely sensitive to him, and he can feel that there is something strange about him.

"It's nothing." There was a wry smile on the corner of Tianzong's mouth, and he was facing Feimo sideways. Feimo didn't see clearly, only the smile on the corner of his mouth could be seen.

In this way, it is natural to think that he is fine.

"Well, let's go back then."

Tian Zong turned around, glanced at Fei Mo, and chuckled, "Okay."

Although there was a smile on his face, the joy and joy that started in his heart gradually faded away.

Feimo didn't notice it, and smiled wantonly.

Standing at the bow of the boat, the two figures matched each other very well.

But Tian Zong's mood was a little low.

When the two returned to the restaurant, it was just dinner time, and there were quite a lot of people in the restaurant.

Frivolous and a group of people are in an inconspicuous corner, and there are not many people.

But that beautiful face is a highlight.

As soon as Tianzong came in, he found several people, and walked over with a smile.

Fei Mo naturally followed behind, ignoring the eyes of the women around him, with an aura of indifference all over his body.

Frivolous and the others stood up resolutely, and gestured to Tian Zong, indicating to go to the room to talk.

Tian Zong nodded and followed the others upstairs.

At the same time, he ordered Xiaoer to prepare food and wine.

In the private room, Xiao Er prepared all the food and wine, and then left.

Qingxue whistled and smiled wickedly: "Xiaobai, did you throw Feimo up and eat it last night?"

That smile is very ambiguous.

Tian Zong: "."

Why didn't he say that Fei Mo threw him down and ate him?
Thinking of what he was thinking, he frowned, shook his head, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

I didn't feel hungry before, but now I am really hungry.

The frivolous and the others looked at Tian Zong with raised eyebrows and playful looks, that look with deep meaning made him a little hairy.

Looking up at several people, he blinked innocently: "What are you all looking at me for?"

"No." Feng Jin smiled, turned to look at Fei Mo, and blinked: "Fei Mo, have you recovered your memory?"

There was a trace of uncertainty in the words.

I just feel that his aura is similar to before, but it needs to be confirmed after asking and getting the answer.

"En." Feimo hooked the corners of his lips and smiled wickedly.

"Why did something happen that day?" Qing Kuang squinted his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed across them.

He was very curious about this.

With his martial arts, not many people can hurt him.

No one passed by anywhere, why did such a thing happen.

Fei Mo's complexion remained unchanged, and he smiled slightly: "It's nothing, it's just an accident."

It was indeed an accident.

He definitely won't say how he got hurt.

It would be embarrassing to say this.


He remained silent.

Everyone saw that he didn't want to say anything, and they didn't continue to ask.

Tian Zong ate the food by himself and didn't speak. It looked like he hadn't eaten for a few days.

Feng Jin couldn't help joking: "Tian Zong, it really consumes energy after being eaten dry."

(End of this chapter)

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