The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1103 Feimo's Overbearing 2

Chapter 1103 Feimo's Overbearing 2
This little idiot has really risen.

"Why were you angry last night?" Fei Mo raised his eyebrows and asked very directly.

He can't learn to beat around the bush, just ask what he has.

Tian Zong frowned suddenly, looked at those deep pupils, and shook his head: "It's nothing."

He doesn't know, so forget it.

I felt a little stuffy in my heart.

"Have I ever said that I don't like you lying to me?" Fei Mo's eyes suddenly sank, and there was a hint of displeasure in them.

Seeing his appearance, Tian Zong stood up abruptly, turned his head to look out the window, and did not speak.

He didn't get an answer, and seeing his overly quiet behavior, his brows frowned slightly: "Don't make me say it a second time."

He didn't like that he didn't talk to him about things, so he felt that there was a long distance between them.

"Feimo, do you want a stable life?" Tian Zong didn't turn his head, but asked softly.

Fei Mo frowned slightly, his black pupils were very deep, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Tian Zong: "With you, it doesn't matter whether it's stable or not."

This is the truest answer in his heart.

Tian Zong slightly evoked a smile, and there was a smile in his eyes: "Then, will you get tired of me?"

"No." Fei Mo replied with certainty.

Tian Zong was silent and did not speak.

Slightly narrowing his eyes, the complicated meaning in his eyes flashed away: "Feimo, have you ever regretted being with me? Perhaps, the one you like the most in your heart is a woman."

"What bastard words are you talking about!" A gleam of anger floated in Fei Mo's eyes.

Tian Zong smiled lowly: "If one day, you get tired of me, what should you do?"

What should he do?
Fei Mo frowned tightly, walked to Tian Zong's side, pulled his skirt, and looked at him face to face, with a trace of anger hidden in a pair of deep pupils: "I don't know what's wrong with you, I can't guess, this kind of inseparable feeling makes me very uncomfortable, and I don't like not being able to see through you and your heart, which also makes me very unhappy.

Just like last night, you had something on your mind, but I didn't know it, but I couldn't figure it out, and I didn't tell you when I asked. This feeling is really fucking uncomfortable.

Tian Zong, you fucking listen to me clearly, I like you, I have always liked you, I have always been since I was a child, don't tell me nonsense, if I like a woman, this kind of thing will not happen, No way.

I like you, there is nothing to say, nothing to dare to admit.I always thought I understood you very well, but now I realize that I don't understand you at all, I can't see what you are thinking, and I don't know what's wrong with you.why is that?Because you didn't punch your heart and let me in.

Like is like, love is love, everything is frank.If you don't like me, leave.But if you like it, give me a fucking love.

I can tell you very seriously, I just fell in love with you, what can you do to me?Don't try to push me away, it's impossible.

I have already planned to spend my whole life with you, so if you want to regret it now, it is impossible, and I will not let you leave! "

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door.

A pair of deep pupils are full of anger, and there are some complexities.

Tian Zong has been listening to Fei Mo's words in a daze, with shock, surprise, joy and excitement in his heart.

Looking at the decisive figure who turned and left, my heart tightened suddenly, and I quickly stepped forward to grab his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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