Chapter 1108 She Has a Heart 15
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"Don't let it go." The thin lips hooked slightly, in a good mood.

"Get out, I'm going to sleep." I was too lazy to meet him regularly, and didn't want to continue the fight.

"Feimo, I kissed you just now, how do you feel?" His mood improved, and the breath of his whole body changed.

"I don't feel it." Feimo snorted coldly, and dropped three words coldly.

"I'm so close to you, just now I clearly felt the heart beating faster in your left chest, don't fool me for a fool?" Turning Feimo's head around, he glared at him.

Feimo: "."

What can he say?

Could it be that he said that when he kissed him just now, he didn't resist at all, and he didn't dislike him at all. On the contrary, there were still some inexplicable and complicated feelings circulating in his heart, which were out of control.

These words, he absolutely cannot say.

"Not ink."

"What's the matter?" He glanced at Tian Zong sullenly, and a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.

This guy, will you go or not?

"I decided to let you go and let you have a good rest." Blinking his eyes, Tian Zong said seriously.

"Well, let's go out." Hearing his words, Feimo suddenly felt uncomfortable, but it was also fleeting.

She retracted her hands with a smile, raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "I sleep inside, you sleep outside, we sleep together and have a good rest."

After the words fell, he quickly took off his coat and quickly lay down on the bed.

Feimo: "."

He gritted his teeth and looked at Tian Zong: "Aren't you going to leave?"

This guy, does leaving means running to his bed?

"That's right, I'll let you have a good rest, what's the matter, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Tian Zong smiled unscrupulously and innocently.

 Someone's already dark face suddenly darkened.

"Feimo, you're not shy because I just kissed you, right?" Tian Zong looked at Feimo in surprise as if he had discovered a new world.

He rubbed his chin with one hand, as if saying, it's very possible.

"Get out!" Someone was furious immediately!

he shy?
is it possible?
"Feimo, good night." Cursing the corners of her lips, she gave Feimo a wicked smile, then pulled off the quilt, lay down in the quilt, and began to sleep.

Feimo: "."

Hearing someone's steady breathing, his eyes sank slightly.

Did he just fall asleep here with peace of mind?

He turned his head and looked out the window, went to close the window, went back to the bed and took a deep breath, took off the outer robe, and lay down.

Someone's steady breathing echoed in my ears, and I felt that the troubled heart in my heart calmed down slightly, and then became at ease.

Slightly squinting his eyes, turned sideways, looked at Tian Zong's sleeping state, and shook his head slightly.

With snow-white skin, a tall and heroic nose, and alluring red lips, the whole body is a natural fairy, carefully carved from hibiscus.

He was beautiful, indeed beautiful.

That face, no matter how you look at it, is perfect.


(End of this chapter)

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