The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 115 Fighting Flower Rain 3

Chapter 115 Fighting Flower Rain 3
When he came back yesterday, he didn't see any ferocious beasts in this mountain forest. It must be like what he heard yesterday, these ferocious beasts will not appear in this period of time.

This is better and will help him fight.

"Really, why didn't this king know that my Tianchen soldiers would die here today." A cold and domineering voice came out.

Hua Yunze originally had a smile on his mouth, but now he was stunned on the spot. He slowly turned his head and followed the source of the sound. There were many soldiers around, Leng Yichen, a woman and some people behind her. people.I couldn't help but my pupils shrank for a while, looked at Leng Yichen in shock, and shook his head in disbelief: "Leng Yichen, why are you here, won't you arrive in a few days?"

After finishing speaking, as if remembering something, he looked at Leng Yichen with gloomy eyes, and shouted angrily: "I understand, you are responsible for everything, and you are responsible for the burning of our army's rations. I went to investigate yesterday and heard what I heard , It was designed by you, and today's game was also done by you."

Leng Yichen's deep eyes were bloodthirsty, and there was no warmth in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "That's right, Prince Huayu is not so stupid."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hua Yunze laughed, the laughter was full of desolation and regret.He should have thought earlier, this mountain forest is full of ferocious beasts and poisonous insects, he dare not act rashly, how could Tianchen's general find a way to deal with it, if he had a way, how could he wait until today to do it.It turned out that everything started because of Leng Yichen, well, one by one, Leng Yichen is indeed a legend in the world, the god of war in Tianchen, and an undefeated myth.

He stopped laughing, looked up suddenly, looked at Leng Yichen, his eyes were almost crazy, bloodshot, and roared: "Today, even if I die, this prince will fight you, I Huayu will not be a coward .”

Even if the ending is doomed today, he will die on the battlefield. He is Hua Yu's prince, and he has his own pride.

He turned around and looked at the 30 soldiers, and shouted: "Soldiers, you are my Huayu's people, we will not be cowards, kill, even if it is death, death is worthwhile."

A speech with passion and determination.

"The general is Hua Yu's person in life, and Hua Yu's ghost in death. Even if he dies here today, the general will fight to the death and never back down." Tan Lin said loudly first.

He knew that it would be difficult to escape today, so he would fight to the death and sacrifice his life for the country.

"Never flinch."

"Never flinch."

Those who originally heard Hua Yunze say Leng Yichen's name were slightly afraid and timid in their hearts.

At this time, listening to the brave and fearless words of their crown prince and general, they were ashamed and angry. Since they couldn't escape, they would fight to the death. Killing one is killing them. They have no regrets.

"You can take advantage of people's hearts." Lan Zihan looked at Hua Yunze and said coldly.

Hua Yu's 30 soldiers, who were not in the state originally, were aroused by Hua Yunze's words to arouse fighting spirit and determination in their hearts, and they couldn't help but admire his temporary intentions.

When Hua Yunze heard this cold girl, she raised her eyes and looked at Lan Zihan viciously: "It's not up to you, a woman, to make irresponsible remarks about this prince."

He had seen her before, but he was just wondering why there would be a woman here, but he didn't think too much about it. Men have needs in that regard, and he understands.

(End of this chapter)

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