The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 117 Fighting Flower Rain 5

Chapter 117 Fighting Flower Rain 5
Hua Yunze looked at Lan Zihan, the corners of his mouth became even more vicious: "I'm looking for death, no wonder I am."

Leng Yichen cared so much about loving this woman, if he took her to threaten him, maybe things wouldn't be so bad.

With that thought in mind, there was movement in his hand.

He drew out the long sword at his waist, and approached Lan Zihan.Sword Qi is like flying, and he is also a person with good martial arts.

Lan Zihan looked at the fast approaching long sword, and the corner of her mouth curled into a cold and proud arc. At some point, she had already taken out her usual dagger in her hand, and she also dodged to meet it.

"Clang." There was a sound of clashing weapons between the two.

Hua Yunze raised his eyes and stared at Lan Zihan in surprise.

Lan Zihan sneered, and didn't give him too much time to react, as he already had a movement in his hands.

With a dodge, the figure came in front of him, the dagger in his hand pressed against his neck, with a slight force, traces of blood flowed from Hua Yunze's neck.

Hua Yunze was only in a daze just because of a moment ago, now he lost all games, and there was no turning back.
He clenched his fists tightly, staring at Lan Zihan with his eyes, "You know martial arts."
The pain in his neck made him deeply understand that he was not dreaming at this moment, all of this was so real.He lost, lost to a woman, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.The woman's moves were too weird and fast, and he couldn't react at all.Although there is only one move, he has already seen clearly that he is not her opponent.

Qin Lin and Hua Yu's 30 soldiers also looked at Lan Zihan in disbelief. They thought that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would surely win without losing, but they never expected that the concubine of Prince Chen was also a master, and she defeated him with just one move. They were shocked by His Highness the Crown Prince.

Lan Zihan let go of the dagger in her hand, and gave him a cold look: "It is the most fatal weakness to underestimate the enemy."

She has not been on a mission in the 21st century. When she was trained, she already knew that some people look soft and bony on the surface, but in fact they are hidden dangers. She will take advantage of your relaxation. Give you a fatal blow.

Hua Yunze's pupils shrank for a while, and he looked at Lan Zihan with complicated eyes: "You are very special."

The woman in front of me is really special, there is a strange feeling that she understands and has experienced more than myself.

Then he smiled wryly: "I have no chance of winning when the prince meets you and Leng Yichen today."

Leng Yichen is a man of the world, quick-witted and wise, decisive in killing and attacking, and has never been defeated in a battle.

And the woman in front of her, the concubine of Prince Chen, is also a person not to be underestimated. She is cold and aloof, just like Leng Yichen, with the same arrogance and arrogance.

No matter which one of the two they meet today, he must have no chance of winning.

However, there was a flash of ruthlessness and determination in his eyes. No matter what, he would not be defeated without a fight. As the prince of Huayu, he couldn't just meet his ancestors like this.

He raised his head, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but it was so cold: "Let's fight."

Turning around to look at Tan Lin and the 30 soldiers, he said coldly: "Soldiers, we are not afraid of life and death on the battlefield. We have to die for value. It doesn't matter if we lose a battle with them. We tried our best."

"Fearless of life and death, swear to protect." Tan Lin took the lead in shouting first.

"Fearless of life and death, swear to protect."


The cry of 30 soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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