The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 119 Fighting Flower Rain 7

Chapter 119 Fighting Flower Rain 7
Today's repeated blows, and listening to their arrogant words, his heart was already burning with raging anger.

He raised the sword in his hand to the sky and shouted: "Kill."

After the words fell, 30 soldiers rushed forward behind him.

The corner of Leng Yichen's mouth was bloodthirsty, looking at the refreshed soldiers behind him, he said coldly, "Kill them."

"Come on."

The two sides fought together, and the scene was chaotic.

Ye Feiyu didn't use a dagger this time, but held a long sword in his hand. He rushed into the chaotic battlefield, and the sword in his hand was wielded so nimbly and powerfully that he could kill one by one.

Xi Lei and Xi Dian were fighting with the enemy, the two cooperated tacitly, and the soldiers who died at their hands were also one after another.

Mo Wuchen leaned against the big tree beside him, his clear eyes were like gods, as if none of this had anything to do with him.

Leng Yichen was fighting in the battlefield, with a sneer smile, no one survived the place he passed by, his aura was unstoppable, the surrounding soldiers approached one after another, they all had no power to resist, and fell down one after another.

Hua Yunze looked at this situation with a ruthless face, clenched the long sword in his hand, flew forward, and confronted Leng Yichen.

Leng Yichen sneered, the bloodlust at the corner of his mouth gradually became stronger, and the sword in his hand pointed directly at Hua Yunze's left chest.

Hua Yunze dodged very quickly, and also spun around, the sword in his hand intersected with Leng Yichen.

Leng Yichen didn't waste any time with him, instead making more entanglements, he gave a cold shout, leaped up, his aura soared, pouring out like a flood that opened the gate.
The point of the sword struck Hua Yunze's neck.

Hua Yunze hurriedly flew to dodge, was about to turn around, her back hurt, she looked down at the sword point in front of her chest, her pupils suddenly widened.

Leng Yichen drew out his long sword and looked at him coldly.

"Pfft..." Hua Yunze took a few steps back, and the sword in his hand plunged into the ground, supporting his whole body.

As soon as the long sword was pulled out, the pain hit, a large mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth, and gusts of blood also appeared on the chest, and the whole skirt was dyed bloody.

"I'm no match for you after all." He said word by word.

Leng Yichen stepped forward to seal his acupoints, and snorted coldly: "The show is still to come, this king will let you watch your people fail and die with your own eyes."

He is not a good person, he only thinks of the people of his own country.

Hua Yunze raised his head, his pale face was always full of unyielding and royal dignity.

He looked at the people who were fighting in front of him, falling down one by one, clenched his fists tightly, and when his eyes shifted to the thousand people, disbelief and shock appeared in his eyes.

Against the sky, 1000 people and [-] elite soldiers are fighting together.
Li Feng led the crowd, the 1000 people had a tacit understanding, and the moves were ruthless, obliterating the life of a soldier with a single knife. The figure was strange. Although the [-] elite soldiers had undergone special training, they were also affected by this kind of footwork and skill at this time. be terrified.

They have never seen this kind of footwork before. When you are about to make a shot, he suddenly dodges very quickly and gives you a fatal blow. They really feel powerless, just like the knife board The fish on the table can only be slaughtered.

"Brothers, kill them hard. They only have 1000 people. Sooner or later, they will be exhausted. I don't believe that we can't beat them with so many people." Someone among the [-] elite soldiers shouted loudly Voice.

"Yes, brothers, let's hold them back." Another person echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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