The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 123 Flower Rain Destruction 2

Chapter 123 Flower Rain Destruction 2
Lan Zihan looked at him playfully: "You are not stupid."

The corner of Ye Feiyu's mouth twitched, is he stupid?He went out with Leng Yichen many times, and sometimes offered some opinions and ideas, he is a military adviser level figure.

This time I was just confused, give him a few words, and he will understand immediately.

Xi Lei and Xi Dian shook their shoulders a few times, with serious expressions on their faces.

In my heart, I was silently amused by Ye Feiyu's suffocation, and let him always take pleasure in teasing the two of them. Now the retribution came, and they were consummated.

Leng Yichen squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Liu Ye: "Please go on, take a good rest today, recover your strength, and leave for Huayu Country tomorrow."

Hua Yu, he has to hurry up and take it down.

"Yes, my lord." Liu Ye clasped his fists and lowered his head, then turned around and retreated.

Leng Yichen looked at Ying, and ordered in a deep voice: "Send a letter to the emperor, ignore Yuezhuo's actions for the time being, send troops to hide around Yuezhuo country, don't be discovered, and when I take down the flower rain, let's do it together!" .”
When he went to save Mengxi Country, he had to fight Yuezhuo head-on, so he had to prepare a strategy, Yuezhuo and Mengxi, I believe Yueyexie would not choose the latter.

Ying's eyes lit up, then he lowered his head and replied respectfully: "Yes, this subordinate understands."

The corners of Lan Zihan's mouth curled up, her man is indeed an invincible legend in the world, such scheming and military tactics are outrageous.


In Tianchen Palace, Leng Yufeng looked at Jian Xin in his hand, and a smile flashed across his warm and jade-like eyes.Immediately the corners of the eyes gradually turned cold, Yue Yexie, then try whether you want your moon turbidity, or Meng Xi.
In the Huayu Palace, the golden glazed tiles shine brightly in the sun.Under the blue sky, the golden glazed tile roof with double eaves looks extraordinarily brilliant.

In the main hall, there is a dragon hovering on the pillar, with golden scales and armor, it seems to be flying away.

A crescent moon crosses the exquisite turrets, casting a hazy yellow light on the high walls, making the Forbidden City look mysterious and quiet.From afar, the crimson palaces seem to be embedded in the snow.The palace located in the bushes, with glazed tile roofs exposed, looks like a golden island.The gorgeous pavilions of Huaqing Palace are surrounded by the water of Huaqing Pool, and the ground is full of duckweed, green and clear.The two dragons on the eaves, with golden scales and armor, are vivid and seem to want to take off as dragons.

On the high platform, there was a man in a bright yellow robe, about forty years old, with broad eyebrows and starry eyes. Although he was not angry, he had a majestic aura.The gloomy and violent atmosphere revealed at that time made people dare not look directly at it.

"Say it again." The man on the high platform said viciously while looking at the people below.

''Back, back to the emperor, the spies came to report that there was a large group of troops outside the city heading towards the imperial capital. According to the news, the troops outside the city were not my Huayu's, but... Tianchen's 30 troops. "The man under the stage was sweating profusely on his forehead, and replied tremblingly.

That's right, the man on the high platform is Hua Lingfeng, the Emperor of Huayu.

"Bang." He slammed his palm at Zhuotai fiercely, his face was gloomy, and his violence was fully displayed.

"The emperor calms down." The man in the audience knelt down in fright, his body trembling uncontrollably, fearing that if he got angry, his life would be in danger.

"Where is the prince? Didn't you see the prince and my Huayu soldiers?"

Hua Lingfeng opened his mouth sinisterly, and his fists were clenched.

(End of this chapter)

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