The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 130 Flower Rain Destruction 9

Chapter 130 Flower Rain Destruction 9
"Run, Tianchen's army outside the city gate is about to attack."

"I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of our country all died unexpectedly, the sky is going to kill us Huayu."

"Hurry up and pack up your things and run away, don't talk nonsense."


In the imperial capital of the city gate, people's discussions and conversations can be heard endlessly.People in the streets were in a state of panic, and the city dwellers ran and fled in all directions.

Some people fled near the city gate with their bundles, while others closed the doors and windows tightly and hid at home.

Young and old, old and weak, women and children, all fled in panic.

Among them, a child about five or six years old fell down, but no one paid attention.

"Wow, wow, mother, I want mother." The child lay on the ground and began to cry loudly.

At this time, a man was running behind the child, trying to step on the child's back and run forward. At a critical moment, a man flew over, grabbed the child and wanted to go to the side, and rescued the child in time.

The man didn't say much, and fled away in a hurry.

"Xi'er, where are you, Xi'er, my Xi'er."

Not far away came a female voice eagerly shouting.

The man walked up to the woman with the child in his arms, and asked in a deep voice, "Is this your child?"

The woman's eyes were slightly red, she took the child in his arms, and quickly bowed her head to thank: "Yes, thank you."

After speaking, he ran away with the child in his arms.

"General Chen, all the soldiers and horses have arrived." At this time, a soldier came and said respectfully.

The man was Chen Hui who was ordered to ambush him.

Chen Hui looked at the chaotic imperial capital, frowned, gathered his true energy, and shouted: "Everyone calm down, I am General Chen in the barracks, please calm down." The voice spread far away .

Everyone who was still running in a hurry stopped in their tracks and turned around to look at Chen Hui.

Chen Hui looked at the people who stopped moving and became quiet, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, don't panic, I was ordered by the emperor to deploy troops in the city. Everyone, go back to your home and don't come out. I will leave it to you here." It will be fine."

Such a messy situation is really difficult to arrange and deploy.

One of the ordinary men said loudly: "Can you guarantee our safety?"

Chen Hui said in a cold voice: "You guys can't know these things. Let me go back now, don't come out and disturb the order."

He really couldn't answer this question.

Another ordinary man shouted loudly: "Don't fool us, don't think that we are civilians and don't know what you have done. If it weren't for you leading troops to attack Tianchen, King Chen would lead an army to attack Did I spend the rain? It was all caused by you, and now you are ashamed to accuse us."

The man's words immediately attracted the attention of the rest of the people.

Everyone suddenly realized, and looked at Chen Hui angrily.

"It was all caused by you."

"Yeah, now that Chen Chen's army is outside the city, how are you going to explain to us?"


Everyone cursed me every word.They don't want much, just a stable home.

Chen Hui frowned as he watched the crowd's reaction, and then he drew his sword and slashed at the person who spoke first.

' Poof. '

The man vomited blood, his pupils were wide open, and fell to the ground.

The rest of the people watched the man's end and fell silent, feeling infinite sadness and pain in their hearts. This is their general, who is so cruel and merciless, and treats human life like nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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