The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 135 Recovering the Flower Rain 2

Chapter 135 Recovering the Flower Rain 2
In the main hall of the imperial palace, all the ministers were brought here by Guards.

Yun Qing looked at the people who were full of evil spirits and had no warmth on their faces, and already had a vague premonition in their hearts, could it be?He didn't dare to think about it any further, but there was a touch of fear and panic in his heart.

In the end, he couldn't help but said: "Who are you? Why did you arrest me here."

After asking, he realized that the question he asked was so idiotic. In the current situation, there was no need for him to ask more questions. With such an obvious fact here, why would he doubt it.

Li Feng snorted coldly, with a cold expression on his face: "Be quiet, our boss and the prince are here, you will naturally know."

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

One of the ministers couldn't hold his breath anymore. With a sullen expression on his face, he reprimanded Li Feng: "What are you, you dare to talk to us like that."

He was originally packing his things in the mansion and was going to take advantage of the chaotic battlefield to sneak away, but before he could take any action, these people suddenly broke in, arrested him and brought him here without saying a word.

It was only later that he realized that the rest of the ministers were the same as him. He panicked a little in his heart, afraid that things would go as he thought, so he thought of ways to escape.

At this time, when he heard such words that ignored them, as a veteran of a country, when had he been insulted like this, he was angry, so he couldn't help but curse out.

Li Feng looked at him with disdain, and the corner of his mouth was full of sarcasm: "You are not a thing, I know, don't remind me anymore, I am not deaf like you."

reprimand him?He was a bunch of dying guys who still had the strength to argue with him.There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"You, you." Lin Wufan's face was flushed red, he hesitated and couldn't speak, obviously very angry.

Li Feng said coldly: "If you want to die, don't worry, it will naturally fulfill you in a while."

He was waiting for Lan Zihan and Leng Yichen to arrive.

He never doubted that Tianchen would lose, they would only win, this was something nailed to the iron plate.

Yun Qing frowned and looked at him: "Who is your boss?"

Just now I heard him talk about their boss and prince.He naturally knew who the prince was, there was no one else except Leng Yichen, but he really couldn't guess their boss.

Li Feng looked at the group of ministers, he was the only one who could hold his breath.

He snorted coldly and was about to speak when a cool and pleasant voice came from outside the hall.

"It's my princess."

Li Feng and Ni Tianqi turned their heads to look at the entrance of the main hall, looked at the two people outside the hall, and said respectfully: "Boss, lord, you are here."

Lan Zihan nodded in agreement, walked towards the hall step by step with lotus steps, her cold and proud air was fully displayed.

Leng Yichen hugged her and walked side by side with her, his sharp-edged face was full of coldness, and the majesty and arrogance emanating from the bones of his body could not be ignored.

Yun Qing looked at the two people who were coming slowly, her pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a fear and trembling in her heart, but she was suppressed by him firmly.

He looked at Leng Yichen, with glances in his slightly old voice: "Prince Chen, are you just so spoiled by your woman? How can such a person who doesn't understand the rules be qualified to be your concubine?"

He watched the two come in together, Leng Yichen didn't speak, but the woman spoke first.

(End of this chapter)

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