The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 137 Recovering the Flower Rain 4

Chapter 137 Recovering the Flower Rain 4
Leng Yichen's starry eyes were dark, and he looked at the ministers coldly: "From now on, there will be no Huayu Kingdom, and there will be only Tianchen's subordinates."

Huayu is just a past tense.

The ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them dared not speak out.

They knew that what Leng Yichen said was giving them a chance.

Both their emperor and His Royal Highness died unexpectedly, so how could they resist.

The prestige and strength of King Chen, they can only surrender.

They are just dispensable, but Chen Wang is willing to keep them and not take their lives, he is relieved from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Wufan was the first to stand up and express his opinion: "This humble minister wishes to be loyal to Tianchen."

Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

With his leadership, the rest of the ministers shouted in unison: "I wish to be loyal to Tianchen."

Leng Yichen fine-tuned his eyebrows, but the coldness on his body did not dissipate: "Whoever betrays Tianchen, or has evil intentions, he will be your end." He pointed to the dead Yun Qing on the ground and said in a cold voice.

All the ministers shuddered, and a touch of fear rose in their hearts.

"The ministers must devote themselves to Tianchen with all their strength, and they will never have the heart to resist wrongdoing." 
Leng Yichen snorted coldly, but said nothing.

Three days passed in a flash.

In these three days, many things happened.

Yue Yexie led his troops and set off towards Mengxi, his intentions were unclear.

The country of Huayu changed its dynasty and became a subsidiary of Tianchen.

In the capital of Emperor Huayu, the streets have returned to their usual bustle.

People come and go, the flow is endless.

Because Tianchen's army attacked Huayu, they were panicked and stayed at home, not daring to go out.

But after Huayu's failure, Tianchen's army moved in here. They didn't fight or plunder, they didn't bully the people and bully women, they treated them friendly, they paid for their meals and lodging, and they didn't have any airs because they were Tianchen's soldiers. .

They have no idea who will be in charge of the country.

They have never liked the battlefield, all they want is a stable and peaceful homeland, which is what they look forward to.

Now, King Chen and his concubine have given them such a home, fulfilling their wish.

Their hearts were relieved, and their eyes filled with tears.

They appreciate them.

Today was the day when King Tianchenchen and the army left, they all brought their own food and supplies to send them off outside the city.

Outside the city gate, Leng Yichen was dressed in black, with a sharp face, deep and dark eyes without any expression, sitting quietly on the horseback.

Lan Zihan was dressed in white today, with a cool and indifferent figure sitting on the back of another horse, standing side by side with Leng Yichen in her phoenix eyes.

Mo Wuchen stood quietly behind the two of them, dressed in white clothes without any decorations, his elegant and elegant demeanor remained unchanged.

Leng Yichen looked at Ye Feiyu, and said in a deep voice: "After the matter here is settled, come over and join me."

He didn't have any extra time to stay here. The Yueye Xie in Mengxi Country had already made some moves, so he had to arrive as soon as possible.

There are still some things that have not been dealt with here, so leave it to Ye Feiyu, he can rest assured.

Ye Feiyu thumped his chest, and the corner of his mouth showed the usual chic smile: "Don't worry, you don't need to worry about things here, I will come soon."

Leng Yichen nodded, turned around to look at the crowd of soldiers, and said coldly, "Let's go."

"Congratulations to Prince Chen, Concubine Wang." The people in the city raised their voices.

Leng Yichen led the army away gradually, disappearing from everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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