Chapter 143: Prince Mengxi 5
There was a smile on the corner of Qian Li's mouth, and he looked at Qian Mingxuan lovingly: "Xuan'er, your illness is cured, we have to wait for the arrival of King Chen and Doctor Mo."

He felt a little excited and at ease at this time, his Xuan'er could finally no longer be tortured by illness.

There was a smile on the corner of Qian Mingxuan's mouth, so pure and beautiful: "Well, father, Xuan'er knows."

There is also a vague expectation in his heart, can he also live like a normal person?
The ministers were also happy in their hearts. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Mengxi, could finally no longer endure the torment of the serious illness.

After Su Yao left the imperial study, he came to the barracks and gathered the soldiers.

40 soldiers and horses looked at the serious general.

They knew in their hearts that the general would not call them all together if there was nothing important.

A total of 40 soldiers all had calm faces, waiting for the next sentence.

Su Yao looked at the 40 soldiers, a look of complexity flashed in his eyes, and then he became serious: "Today Japan will gather all your soldiers, and there is an important announcement to be made."

The voice is loud and prestige.

The 40 soldiers did not speak, and continued to wait for his opening.

Su Yao frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice: "I got the news that the prince of Yuezhuo Kingdom has led an army to the border of my Mengxi Kingdom."

He paused, and then said: "I must not lose Mengxi. The emperor has already thought of a way. Our army only needs to hold on for a few days. We must firmly guard the imperial capital in the next few days, and we must not let Prince Yuezhuo Let's attack the city. At this moment, I will call you together to assign tasks and prevent the attack of the Yuezhuo army."

After listening to the 40 soldiers, they all showed shock and surprise in the corners of their eyes.

Shocked, they didn't expect that their enemy was so close to them, and they were in danger.

What surprised them was that Mengxi was a country governed by culture, and if other countries came to attack, they would not have much defense capability at all.

They are not good fighters, but for the safety of their own country, they voluntarily join the army and join the barracks to do their part.

General Su said just now that they only need to hold out for a few days. Will Yuezhuo retreat after a few days?

Obviously, this is absolutely impossible, they are not Yue Zhuo's opponents at all, how could Yue Zhuo retreat so stupidly, what does the general mean by that?They were bewildered.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Su Yao coughed a few times, and said in a cold voice, "Prince Tianchenchen will come to support me, Mengxi, soon, so what we have to do is to protect our homeland from the turbidity of the moon." infringement."

As soon as these words came out, the 40 soldiers became restless.

Some were puzzled, some were worried, some were relieved, everything.

Lieutenant General Shen Lin was also puzzled, looked at Su Yao and asked in a deep voice: "Dare to ask General Su why King Tianchen Chen would be so kind to help our army. This is really unreasonable."

His words also asked the questions of many soldiers.

Everyone stared at Su Yao seriously, waiting for his answer.

Su Yao frowned, and said in a cold voice: "Is it something you and I can inquire about the emperor's will, this is something the emperor ordered, and it has its own reasons, we just need to do our best to complete it, the rest is not for us to ask. "

As courtiers, they only need to act according to the emperor's orders.You must know how to measure, not everything can be traced to the bottom line.

(End of this chapter)

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