The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 152: Moonlight Evil Strikes Out 7

Chapter 152: Moonlight Evil Strikes Out 7
Stepping on the city wall with both feet, he used lightness kung fu to move towards the top of the city tower.

Qian Mingxuan looked at Yue Yexie who dodged the sharp arrow and came towards him, frowned slightly, drew the bow again, and released the arrow.

Three shots in a row.

Yue Yexie looked at the three sharp arrows coming one after another, her eyes narrowed tightly, and the evil and gloomy aura on her body became more and more obvious.

The movements of his hands did not decrease at all, and he put a little more force on the city wall with one foot, and the speed of rising was a little faster. The sword in his hand was swished, and all three sharp arrows were knocked down.

"General Su, step back." Qian Mingxuan clenched his fists and stepped back a few steps.

He couldn't stop Yue Yexie's footsteps.

Su Yao also knew that it was impossible to stop him at this time, so he quickly backed away.

The two of them stared at Yue Yexie closely and were vigilant. As soon as Yue Yexie came up, they would strike immediately.

Yue Yexie was only less than one meter away from the tower at this time, with a ruthless look on the corner of his mouth, he jumped straight towards the tower.

As soon as he jumped up the tower, there were two figures attacking him.

Yue Ye's evil eyes were filled with coldness, and she used her internal strength to bounce Su Yao's sword away, and slashed at his chest with her palm.

Su Yao was shocked and hurriedly backed away.

Qian Mingxuan's attacks followed one after another, and the sword in his hand stabbed straight at Yue Yexie's neck.

Yue Yexie flew back, the sword in his hand rotated an arc, using internal force, not retreating but advancing, aimed at Qian Mingxuan's chest.

The two moved forward in the same way, with the same sword pointing at each other's vitals.

Yue Yexie's eyes were full of evil charm and ruthlessness, and Qian Mingxuan's eyes were as clear as water.

Su Yao on the side watched this situation, his pupils shrank for a while, and the sword in his hand quickly attacked Yue Yexie.

Yue Yexie glanced at Su Yao, took a throwing knife from his waist with his left hand, and threw it at him.

The right hand did not forget to move, and the tip of the sword turned around, colliding with Qian Mingxuan's sword, causing a burst of sparks.

Su Yao's long sword knocked off the flying knives coming towards him.

"Prince Qian's martial arts are really good." Yue Yexie put away his long sword, stepped back, and squinted at Qian Mingxuan.

The few moves he had with Qian Mingxuan showed his martial arts moves and precision.

Although he is not in good health, he has to say that he is still a master in martial arts.

At least, the average person simply can't handle it.

"This prince seldom fights with others. This is the first time he met the evil king. I have to say that this prince is very lucky." Qian Mingxuan put away his long sword, and looked at Yue Yexie with clear eyes like water.

What he said was true, although he had learned martial arts, his health was not good, and his father doted on him so much that no one had ever competed with him.

He fought against Yue Yexie, even though he and Su Yao fought against each other, Yue Yexie was still not injured at all, it can be seen that his martial arts are superior to his.

There was a touch of danger in Yueye's evil and charming eyes: "My Highness has decided on Mengxi tonight."

He has come to the top of the city tower, and then he only needs to open the city gate.He knew that there must be a large army waiting for him under the tower, so what?What he wants to do, he will not give up.

"That depends on whether Prince Yue has the ability." Qian Mingxuan's voice was slightly cold.

All he wants is a stable home, no war, no looting.

But he knew it was impossible.

Mengxi is his homeland. As the prince of Mengxi, he is also a citizen of Mengxi. He will never allow anyone to hurt them, even if it means paying his life.

(End of this chapter)

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