The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 164 Entering the Palace 2

Chapter 164 Entering the Palace 2
Then came the blue purple Han dressed in black, with a complexion like snow, bright eyes and white teeth, a pair of small cherry mouths that are not tinged with vermilion, thin willow leaf eyebrows, beautiful red phoenix eyes, and a cool and proud temperament. All over the world.

In the eyes of everyone, there seemed to be a sentence, "There are beauties in the north, who are peerless and independent."Take a look at the city of Qingren, and then look at the country of Qingren. '

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she can't compare to the person in front of her eyes.

Behind her was a man dressed in white, with a pair of beautiful eyes that were clear but bottomless without any impurities.Her complexion was crystal clear like jade, and her long dark hair hung down her shoulders, giving off a faint light.Tall and tall, standing there, she is indescribably elegant, like a banished immortal.

Because the attraction between the two was so great, Xi Lei and Xi Dian behind that were ignored by everyone.

"Give me a seat." Qian Li ordered the guards in the hall in a deep voice, and then looked at Lan Zihan with a smile on her face: "I don't know if Princess Chen came here suddenly, so I'm not far away."

He was a little stunned by Lan Zihan's surprise visit, but he was the king of a country, so he recovered quickly. 
"It's okay, my concubine is here just to visit the palace, so don't disturb your rest." Lan Zihan shook her head, looked directly at Qian Li, and said coldly.

That slightly casual tone seemed like she really came here for a visit.

"Don't bother me, the emperor and all his lovers haven't rested yet, they are discussing the government affairs, why bother." He is the king of a country, so he naturally understands the meaning of Lan Zihan's words.

At this time, the guards brought three chairs, one for Qian Mingxuan, one for Lan Zihan and one for Mo Wuchen.

Lan Zihan sat lazily on the chair, took the tea handed by the maid beside her, brought it to her mouth, and took a sip, her movements were indescribably casual and indifferent.

Qian Li stared at Lan Zihan in the audience, with a faint majesty exuding from her body.

Lan Zihan received his gaze, raised her eyes to look directly at him, her cold eyes did not back down in the slightest, and the kingly coercion on her body gave people a sense of oppression.

The eyes of the two met in the air and collided with each other. Neither of them spoke, just looked at each other like that.

All the ministers in the hall sensed the interaction between the two, and looked at the two without saying a word.

Finally, Qianli was defeated.

"Prince Chen is really lucky to have such a concubine." He knew that whoever spoke first would be the one who lost the battle, and he was the one who negotiated terms with the other party. Obviously, he was not Lan Zihan's opponent.

Her royal aura is not inferior to his at all, but far surpasses him.

He knew about the war between Tianchen and Huayu, and news came, so he rarely heard about her deeds.

I have to sigh, as a woman, she is very unique, and the cold and indifferent temperament on her body is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It is really a good match for Prince Chen to have such a beautiful woman to accompany her hand in hand and join hands together.

"Thank you. It's my luck to meet him." She said calmly. In front of outsiders, she was always the cold and indifferent person.

But speaking of Leng Yichen, what she said was indeed true. When she traveled through time, she could meet Leng Yichen, such a powerful, domineering, bloodthirsty and ruthless prince. She could win such pampering and love from him. She blocked the arrow without hesitation, she saw it in her eyes and remembered it deeply in her heart. In this life, she recognized him.

(End of this chapter)

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