The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 169 The King Chen is Here 2

Chapter 169 The King Chen is Here 2
"This time I, Mengxi, was able to solve this crisis, thanks to Prince Chen. The Emperor is very grateful. Now that the sky is getting brighter, Prince Chen and the concubine must be tired after working for so long. Let's go to the dormitory to rest today. Tomorrow, the Emperor will hold a celebration banquet for you to cleanse the dust." The crisis has been resolved, and the big rock in Qian Li's heart has finally been let go.

"Well, that's very good." Leng Yichen said in a cold voice, the calm and powerful aura on his body made everyone dare not relax.

He led the army all the way from Huayu to Mengxi. He didn't have much time to rest on the way, so he needed to take a good rest now.

"Well, the emperor will make arrangements for those troops immediately, and the king of Chen will take a step below to rest." Qian Li spoke slowly and said in a deep voice.

"Go down and arrange the army, and then each go to rest." Leng Yichen stood up with Lan Zihan in his arms, turned his head to look at Xi Lei and Xi Dian behind him, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, I obey." Xi Lei and Xi Dian replied respectfully.

Leng Yichen nodded, then walked out of the hall with Lan Zihan in his arms.

Mo Wuchen also got up and left, and Xi Lei and Xi Dian also left one after another.

After several people disappeared outside the hall, a trace of fatigue appeared between Qian Li's brows.

"Father, it's getting late, you should go to rest first, don't get tired." Qian Mingxuan took Qian Lina's exhaustion into his eyes, and said slightly.

"Well, Xuan'er, you are also tired tonight, and you are not in good health, so go down and have a good rest." Qian Li smiled gently, looking at Qian Mingxuan and said slowly.

Tonight, he knew that Qian Mingxuan had put in a lot of effort, and felt a little distressed about his body. Fortunately, Doctor Mo had agreed to treat Xuan'er. The big stone that had been suppressed in his heart for many years was finally let go, and he felt much more relaxed. .

"Xuan'er knows, so Xuan'er will leave first." After Qian Mingxuan saluted, he left the hall and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"All the lovers have worked hard today, let's all go home and leave the court." Qian Li looked at the ministers under the stage and said in a deep voice, with a hint of majesty in his brows.

"Your Majesty also rested earlier, and the minister is waiting to leave."

For a while, all the ministers answered respectfully in unison, and then they all retreated slowly.

Qian Li rubbed her brows and disappeared into the hall.

In the dormitory, Lan Zihan sat on the edge of the bed, squinting at Leng Yichen: "Chen, what conditions are you planning to make?"

There is no idiot's lunch in the world, and they will not waste their troops to help Mengxi. 
"Now there are only three kingdoms standing, Yue Yexie is isolated and helpless, there will be no big waves for the time being, we can take a rest." Leng Yichen stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, hugging Lan Zihan and smiling slightly.

Huayu belongs to Tianchen, and Mengxi will not help Yuezhuo. Tianchen is the only one in the first place. At this time, it is not appropriate to make big moves when harvesting Huayu. He needs to rest and rectify Huayu.

Lan Zihan nodded, she also thought through the pros and cons of the matter clearly.

"Han, we will go home after the matter here is settled in a few days." Leng Yichen pressed a light kiss on her lips, as if caring for a treasure.

Lan Zihan was slightly taken aback, home?What a warm word. In the past, in the 21st century, she was alone and had no place to live. It was the same everywhere. She was used to fighting and killing. Now, she also has a home, Leng Yichen who loves her, and those friends.

"Okay, let's go home." She leaned against Leng Yichen's arms, her eyes were full of smiles and happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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