Chapter 185 Returning to Tianchen 4
The soldiers did not speak, but acted out their words.

The army followed Liu Ye and rushed towards the forest. They were also full of anger at this moment, they dared to lie in ambush on their territory, thinking they were easy to pinch.

A group of people in the forest saw the army coming towards them not far ahead, their faces were all stunned, and then returned to normal.

The leading man in black looked at the movement of the army, frowned, and ordered in a cold voice: "Everyone, get ready and fight out with me."

The other party has already discovered them, so they don't have to hide anymore.They accepted this mission, and they came here to intercept and kill King Chen and his party.

It's not that they haven't heard of the prestige of King Chen. When they heard that Prince Yuezhuo was defeated and returned to Yuezhuo, and that Prince Chen and her concubine had some unnatural news, he hesitated. implement.However, remembering that they always keep their promises, they will carry out the missions they take, and they will not break their promises. This time, they came here at the risk of their lives.

As for the power of Tianchen God of War Chen Wang, they have heard of it, but they have not seen it with their own eyes, so no one will believe it.

"Yes, leader." A group of people in black behind them replied in a low voice.

The leader in black nodded, waved his right hand, and then shouted loudly: "Go."

Suddenly, a group of men in black swarmed up and attacked the army ahead.

Liu Ye looked at a group of men in black rushing out of the forest, his eyes sank suddenly, and he shouted, "Give me all of them."

After speaking, holding a long sword in his hand, he took the lead and rushed in front of a group of killers in black and began to fight. His movements were capable and orderly, and his fighting methods should not be underestimated. He directly wounded a man in black in front of him.

Liu Ye snorted coldly, the movements in his hands continued unabated, and he accelerated his movements to fight.

The army behind them was not slow, and rushed into the men in black quickly, fighting and killing together.

The men in black pay attention to killing within a few moves and selecting the key points. Although they have been specially trained, but with such a large number of people, they cannot gain the upper hand.

The men in black made ruthless moves, and the movements of the army were not inferior at all. Several of them fought against a man in black. If they couldn't beat you, they would attack you in groups.

The scene was chaotic, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the men in black were retreating steadily.

Looking at this situation, Leng Yichen felt a coldness in the corner of his mouth.

The leader in black frowned while he was responding to the enemy. In such a situation, if they continue to fight, it will definitely do them harm and not benefit them at all. Why sacrifice so many of them for a mission is not worth it.

Thinking of this, the movements of his hands quickened, knocked back Liu Ye in front of him, turned around and shouted loudly: "The situation is not good, retreat."

The rest of the men in black nodded their heads and quickened their movements, wanting to get away and leave.

Liu Ye was repelled, and he stepped forward to attack again, and his movements accelerated again. He couldn't let these people run away.

The leader in black frowned, not wanting to get entangled with him, so he flew forward, and the sword energy went straight to Liu Ye.

Liu Ye quickly dodged to dodge.

Taking advantage of the emptiness, the leader in black turned around and retreated behind.

"I want to go, have you got my king's consent?" A cold and domineering voice came from afar.

"Pfft." The figure of the leader in black staggered a few steps in mid-air, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell vertically towards the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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