Chapter 205
"You dare." Yue Lingtian stared at Yue Yexie, his furious eyes seemed to eat him.

"Why wouldn't I dare? As early as the day my mother and concubine passed away, the day you abandoned me, I dared to do anything." Yue Yexie's aura suddenly became gloomy, and a storm was brewing in Xiemei's eyes. He looked at Yue Lingtian coldly.

Why didn't he dare, his mother and concubine were gone, and there was no one worthy of his concern and concern.

Yue Lingtian's furious eyes were gloomy and terrifying: "Your mother and concubine died to save you, it was you who killed Yi'er, it was you."

His Yi'er all died to save Yue Yexie, they were separated by yin and yang, and he could not forgive him.

Yue Yexie clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves tightly, and her aura was extremely gloomy: "Come here, my father is crazy, take him to the Hall of Mental Cultivation for treatment, without the permission of His Highness, you are not allowed to let him out without permission. ,cut."

He never allowed others to mention his concubine mother, which has always been a taboo in the palace.

"You can't put me under house arrest, you can't." Yue Lingtian said coldly, what kind of treatment is house arrest in disguise.

"Not yet." Yue Yexie ignored Yue Lingtian and angrily yelled at the guards at the side.

"Yes, Your Highness the Crown Prince." Several people under the man in black stepped forward and led Yue Lingtian to leave the hall.

The people of Yue Lingtian in the hall wanted to make a move, but they were stopped by the people of Yue Yexie.

The ministers on the left looked at this situation, all panicked and knelt down on the ground: "Your Highness atones, the ministers are forced by the emperor and have no choice but to do so."

They regretted it very much at this moment.

"Bringing them into the sky prison is not to be loyal to my highness, and my highness doesn't need it." Yue Yexie glanced at them and said coldly.

He doesn't need such a person, staying by his side is just a disaster.

"Your Highness atones for the sin. I was blind for a while and made this mistake. Your Highness, please forgive me."

". "The ministers begged one by one, but it was too late.

Immediately, someone stepped forward and took the group of ministers down one by one, and Zuo Prime Minister Xie Yuan was also taken down.

"Congratulations, Your Highness." Ji Shuxuan, the servant of the Ministry of War, stepped forward and bowed slightly respectfully.

"Congratulations, Your Highness." The rest of the ministers on the right also stepped forward to congratulate.

"Well, you have worked hard." Yue Yexie naturally knew that they were congratulating him on his upcoming ascension.

"No trouble, His Highness arrived in time." The ministers all said in unison.At this moment, they were glad that they had just chosen the right position.

"Well, my Highness is a little tired from the long journey. I will leave it to you to handle the matter of succession. Don't let my Highness down." Yue Yexie glanced at the people in the hall with a pair of evil eyes, and there was something in her words.

Please rest assured, His Royal Highness, these matters can be left to the ministers and others. "The people in the palace are not stupid, so they naturally understand what to do at this time.

In the Prince's Mansion, Yue Yexie got off his horse, and as soon as he entered the mansion, Chi came up to meet him.

 "Your Highness, you are back."

"Well, how is the matter going?" Yue Yexie responded in a low voice, with a trace of fatigue between her brows.

"Everything has been done, please rest assured, Your Highness." Chi replied in a deep voice.

"En." After Yue Yexie finished speaking, she walked forward.

"Your Highness, that woman has already sought medical treatment from the imperial physician. The imperial physician said that she will wake up soon. Do you want to go and have a look?" After much deliberation, he decided to report the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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