The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 212 Training Leng Luoyan 4

Chapter 212 Training Leng Luoyan 4
After Leng Luoyan rested, Lan Zihan stepped forward a few steps, looking at him with cold phoenix eyes: "In the next few months, you will have no time to rest, no room to retreat, have you thought it through?"

The way she trains Leng Luoyan is different, it is harder than against the sky, it all depends on him.

"Second sister-in-law, I will not give up. As a member of Leng's family, I will not back down." Leng Luoyan nodded and said calmly.

If he couldn't hold on to all these, then he would be called Leng in vain.

"En." After Lan Zihan finished speaking, she clapped her hands.

Everyone didn't know why, and didn't know what she meant by clapping her hands.


There was a roar of a tiger coming from outside the bamboo forest, the voice was domineering and majestic.

"Ho Ho." There was another roar, the sound came from far to near, and gradually came the sound of footsteps.

Everyone looked up at the source of the voice.

With a lion's head, a cat's face, and a tiger's body, four thick legs walked slowly, approaching them.

Leng Yichen looked at the Tiger King, his eyes flashed, and he gradually understood that his little guy was going to use the Tiger King to train Leng Luoyan.

Mo Wuchen's eyes also flashed, he had seen this Tiger King before, so he recognized it at this time.

Leng Luoyan looked at the majestic tiger king, and looked at Lan Zihan in confusion: "Second sister-in-law, who is this tiger?"

He had vaguely guessed that the Tiger King was found by Lan Zihan.

"Tiger King helps you train, you fight him with bare hands, you can't use your internal strength." Lan Zihan squinted at him and said in a deep voice.

The Tiger King was brought back secretly when she returned to Tianchen.At this time, it is used to train Leng Luoyan. Bare hands can exercise his arm strength, reaction ability and speed very well.

"Second sister-in-law, with bare hands and without internal force, will I be beaten to death?" Leng Luoyan's mouth twitched fiercely, if he said that he could use his own force to deal with the Tiger King.But now, what he heard, it's fine to use his bare hands, and he can't use his internal strength, so isn't he the only one who has been abused?
"In this bamboo forest, run as you please, the Tiger King will not kill you, but things like injuries depend on your own performance. If you want to escape wholeheartedly, then there is no need for training." Lan Zihan stared at him with phoenix eyes, and said coldly, exuding a majestic aura from her body.

Leng Luoyan woke up, and nodded to Lan Zihan: "Second sister-in-law, Luo Yan understands."

What Lan Zihan said was right, if he used force to fight with internal force, it would not help him much at all.If you don't fight and keep running away, it's a waste of time.He wants to be strong, he cannot back down.

"En." Lan Zihan nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Brother Luo Yan, you don't really want to come here with bare hands, do you? If your face is scratched, it won't be disfigured." Li Shang stepped forward and asked with a smile.

He has experienced it today. This training method is not acceptable to ordinary people. It is an alternative.

"Brother Li Shang, I know you want to try it too, we can go together." Leng Luoyan grinned at Li Shang, with a playful look in his eyes.

Although he was bullied by his second brother and second sister-in-law, it doesn't mean that others can bully him.

"Hey, I'll forget it, if my handsome face gets scratched, it won't be worth the loss." Li Shang twitched the corner of his mouth and said softly.

Sure enough, none of the members of the Leng family were easy to bully.

(End of this chapter)

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