The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 218 Mo Wuchen Confesses 1

Chapter 218 Mo Wuchen Confesses 1
In the early morning of the next day, Leng Luoyan, Mo Wuchen, Li Shang and Qian Mingxuan had breakfast in the hall.

"Tell me, are these two too crazy?" Li Shang's baby face was full of surprise.

The corner of Leng Luoyan's mouth twitched, and he gave Li Shang a fierce look of contempt: "If you ask another question, and your second elder brother and second sister-in-law know about it, you will die."

They all knew about the matter between Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan, the voice was so loud, if they didn't know, they would be fools.However, they didn't bother, anyone who dared to provoke these two sleeping lions would be courting death.

He has been training for three months, he has learned everything Lan Zihan taught him, and he is here to report to her.

"Aren't they here? Who knows I'm discussing them." Li Shang looked at the few people at the table with a cute baby face and smiled, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, meaning that if they knew, it would be you Informant, you will not betray me.

Qian Mingxuan chuckled and continued to eat breakfast. In the past few months, he has gotten used to the way they get along.

The corner of Leng Luoyan's mouth twitched, and he glared at Li Shang: "You think everyone else is like you."

Although he said so on his lips, he was also slightly curious in his heart. His second brother and second sister-in-law were indeed not comparable to ordinary people.However, he could only think in his heart, he didn't dare to say it, if Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan found out, he would be miserable.

"Who's a bitch?" At this moment, a cold female voice came from outside the hall.

Leng Luoyan stood up with a smile on his face: "Second brother, second sister-in-law, you are here."

Sure enough, he was lucky. Fortunately, he didn't have such a bad woman.

Two people slowly walked in from outside the hall, it was Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan.

Leng Yichen was dressed in black, holding Lan Zihan in his right hand, looking at the person in his arms, his sharp-edged face had a hint of softness and doting.

Lan Zihan was dressed in white, cold and dusty, Dan Feng glanced lightly at the people in the hall, walked with lotus steps, and walked slowly to the table with Leng Yichen and sat down. 
"There is no eighth wife, I am discussing private matters with Brother Luo Yan." Li Shang smiled calmly at Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan.

I just breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. Fortunately, they didn't hear what I said before. They really can't discuss others behind this.

Lan Zihan glanced at him lightly, without saying a word, turned to look at Leng Luoyan: "Not bad."

The tone was affirmative rather than doubtful. She knew that Leng Luoyan appeared here because she had completed the training and taught him the footwork and moves.

Compared with three months ago, his skin at this time is no longer as fair as it used to be, but he is healthier, with a handsome and tall figure, and a confident look between his brows.

"It's all taught by the second sister-in-law." Leng Luoyan heard the meaning of Lan Zihan's words, and chuckled lightly.

"The important thing is you. It is your own hard work and persistence that made you who you are today." Lan Zihan looked directly at him with her phoenix eyes, and said in a deep voice.

Even if there are things she taught in the 21st century, without his own dedication and hard work, there will be no great gains.

"En." Leng Luoyan nodded.

In the past three months, he has trained, worked hard, and studied desperately. Now that he has succeeded, he feels an indescribable joy in his heart.

Leng Yichen looked at the current Leng Luoyan, with a flash of admiration in his deep and dark eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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