The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 230 The Bamboo Forest View 1

Chapter 230 The Bamboo Forest View 1
Inside the imperial study room.

"Brother Huang, why did you come to me?" Leng Yichen looked directly at him with starry eyes, and spoke directly, getting into the topic.

Leng Yufeng put down the letter in his hand, and handed it to Leng Yichen: "Look at this, Emperor Yuezhuo Yue Lingtian is seriously ill, and Yue Yexie will succeed him half a month later."

This is the news he just received today.

Leng Yichen took the letter, browsed through it, looked directly at Leng Yufeng with star eyes, and said in a deep voice, "That's all?"

It was within his expectation that Yue Yexie was going to become the emperor, and there was nothing surprising about it.

"Ahem." Leng Yufeng coughed a few times and smiled slightly.

"Say." Leng Yichen frowned slightly seeing his expression.

"You should know that your sister-in-law is pregnant. I have to take care of her. I don't have extra time to manage the government affairs. Therefore, I will leave it to you to deal with it in the next few months." The joy of Yi Yu's pregnancy cannot be concealed.

"I have something to take care of." Leng Yichen's eyes flashed with complexity.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you have a relationship problem with your younger siblings?" Leng Yufeng asked in confusion. Apart from this, he really couldn't think of anything that would make him distressed.

Leng Yichen gave him a hard look, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Huang, do you know Han's identity?"
Leng Yufeng shook his head, waiting for his next words.

What kind of identity can Lan Zihan have, Lan Jingyang's daughter, and nothing else.

However, when Leng Yichen said this, it was obvious that there was something tricky in it.

"Brother Huang, do you remember the Blood Palace that used to dominate the world." Leng Yichen frowned, staring at Leng Yufeng with star eyes.

"I know, what's the matter?" Leng Yufeng nodded, he had read it in ancient books, and his father had also told him something about the Blood Palace.Thinking of that person Jiulan Yunbo, he felt a burst of admiration.

"Han's mother, Jiulan Qingyan, is Jiulan Yunbo's daughter." Leng Yichen took a sip of tea and said in a deep voice.

Leng Yufeng's face that was still smiling at the corner of his mouth was stiff at the moment, and it lasted for a full three seconds before he realized that his warm eyes were fixed on Leng Yichen: "Is it true?"

"It's true, Mo Wuchen came from there." Leng Yichen nodded, he was very sure of this.

"Didn't the Blood Palace disappear overnight?" Leng Yufeng was puzzled.

Leng Yichen told Leng Yufeng all the things that Mo Wuchen said.

The corner of Leng Yufeng's mouth twitched slightly, he was really shocked by this news.

He didn't expect that Lan Zihan was Jiulan Yunbo's granddaughter, this incident was too sudden.

"So, you said you have something to do, do you want to go to that place with them?" There was a hint of resentment in Leng Yufeng's eyes.

Leng Yichen looked at the expression in his eyes, and was speechless: "Well, so, you can handle the government affairs yourself."

"Yichen, you know that your sister-in-law's health is very good. The imperial doctor said that this is the first child, so you need to be careful. Besides, Yue Yexie has invited you to the banquet next month." Leng Yufeng frowned slightly Wrinkled, these things are all gathered together, really
However, he is the king of a country and needs to think about Tianchen.

"Let me think about it again." Leng Yichen frowned, he didn't have a good impression of Yue Yexie at this moment.

"Okay, Brother Huang won't make things difficult for you, I know the relationship between you and your siblings." Leng Yufeng nodded. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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