The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 234 Ascension to the throne 1

Chapter 234 Ascension to the throne 1
She couldn't tell what her attitude was towards the charming Yue Yexie, but she was used to getting along with him.

Lying on the soft couch, Yue Yexie held a glass of wine in her hand, took a sip, looked at Nangong Xueling with her charming eyes, and laughed a few times: "Why can't my highness be so idle?"

He kept Nangong Xueling in the mansion just out of curiosity about her.

As for enthronement, he had nothing to worry about.

Nangong Xueling rolled her eyes: "Others who ascended the throne as the emperor are busy to the death, and you are the only one who is busy."

From her understanding of ancient times, these princes were very busy when they ascended the throne, and she had never seen Yue Yexie like this.

However, this unknown era does not exist in historical records, and she does not understand it very well.

"What do you think of Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan?" Thinking of the rumors about King Tianchenchen and his concubine some time ago, and hearing about their strength, she was curious for a while.

Compared to Leng Yichen, she was even more curious about Lan Zihan.

According to historical records, she only heard of Mu Guiying and Wu Zetian, which is quite special.

She didn't expect that there would be such a powerful woman here. Most women are at home with their husbands and children, but she is special.

Yue Yexie paused while drinking, thinking of Leng Yichen, a gleam of coldness flashed across his eyes.

"You don't like them." Nangong Xueling noticed the change in his eyes.

Everyone has ambitions. As princes and princes of different countries, their positions are naturally opposite, so they must be at war.

"He is His Highness's opponent." Yue Yexie squinted at Nangong Xueling and spoke slowly.

In this world, there is only Leng Yichen who he regards as an opponent.

"That's not bad. His rumors surpassed yours." Nangong Xueling nodded, agreeing with his words.

She has a rough understanding of the layout here.

There is Leng Yichen in Tianchen, and Yueyexie in the turbidity of the moon. Neither of them is a good person. In this world, the two of them are fighting, and it is unknown who will win in the end.

"Then what about Lan Zihan, the Second Princess, how much do you know about her?" Nangong Xueling also poured herself a glass of wine and drank it down.

The cold and indifferent woman dressed in white appeared in Yue Yexie's mind. A strange feeling flashed in her heart, and the corner of her mouth slowly curled up: "She is very special."

She is the woman he fancy, the only woman he has been interested in so far.

Thinking of the banquet that will be held in January, I feel a little anticipation in my heart. She should also come with Leng Yichen.

As everyone knows, Lan Zihan has embarked on another journey at this time.

"You like her?" Nangong Xueling looked at the curvature of his mouth, her eyes were slightly startled, this was the first time she saw a real smile on his face since she knew him.

Although she usually smiles, she can tell that those smiles are too fake and not sincere.

Yue Yexie was slightly stunned, and there was a trace of confusion in Xiemei's eyes: "What is liking?"

He didn't know, and didn't think about it.For him, he doesn't need these things at all, and he doesn't need to like someone, someone will send it to him.

"Like is when you think of her from time to time, you often think of her, and you are the most special to her." Nangong Xueling said thoughtfully.

In fact, she has never been in love, and she doesn't know much about it, but that's probably how it is.

(End of this chapter)

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