Chapter 242
"Then you still put on a gloomy face, trying to scare someone." Nangong Xueling pouted.

She also knew that it was impossible for someone to oppose his ascension to the throne.

She was just a little curious, who made his evil face so gloomy and terrifying now.

"It's not your turn to ask about my emperor's affairs and clarify your own identity." Yue Yexie stared at her coldly.

He doesn't like others prying into his secrets, very much.

"Of course I know my identity, so I don't need you to remind me, Your Majesty." Nangong Xueling smiled coldly.

He ascended the throne today, and he is the emperor of this moon.

But, so what?The blood in her bones was born more rebellious.

Yue Yexie narrowed her eyes slightly, with a dangerous look in her eyes, she looked at Nangong Xueling coldly: "Don't provoke me again and again, I will kill you."

He naturally heard the sarcasm in her words, and the coldness on her body gradually appeared, except for her deceased mother and concubine and the cold and indifferent Lan Zihan
, no other woman can get his tenderness,
Nangong Xueling got up abruptly, stood in front of Yue Yexie, without a trace of a smile on her face, and looked at him coldly: "Very well, I, Nangong Xueling, would rather fight to the death than fight to your death. Bow your head."

As the daughter of the underworld, when has she been oppressed and wronged like this? Although she cherishes her life now, it doesn't mean that she can tolerate his repeated threats.

"You do have backbone." A strangeness flashed across Yue Yexie's eyes, and a wicked smile slightly curled up at the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly didn't want her to die like this, and the banquet would start in half a month.

The excitement is yet to come, huh, huh
Nangong Xueling snorted coldly: "To each other."

Yue Yexie looked at her jokingly, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of her mouth, then turned and left.

"Damn Yueyexie." Nangong Xueling looked at his leaving back, cursed in a low voice, and then lost the mood to bask in the sun, turned and left in another direction.

In the cloudless weather, the sun shines on the earth, shining a layer of golden light.

In the forest, the lush trees, the verdant green sap, are particularly lush.

In the forest, there was a sound of horseshoes.

"Doctor Mo, are you sure it's here?" Leng Luoyan looked at Mo Wuchen in front of him in confusion.

They had been out for more than half a month, but they hadn't reached the Blood Palace yet, so he had to wonder if they had gone the wrong way, or why there was no trace of anyone living along the way.

This group of people was exactly Lan Zihan and his group who were heading towards the Blood Palace.

"Tomorrow, we'll be there." Mo Wuchen didn't turn his head, but replied lightly.

"Brother Luo Yan, don't worry, you can reach your destination tomorrow." Li Shang turned to look at Leng Luoyan with a smile, the baby's face was full of joy because he was going home soon.

"Well, I see." Leng Luoyan nodded.

He also knew Lan Zihan's identity, and he was quite curious about the legendary Blood Palace, after all, it was a legend in the world before.

"Is there a maze ahead?" Lan Zihan turned to look at Mo Wuchen.

They had reached the end of the forest at this moment, and there was a mountain in front of them, and there was no way to go.

Therefore, she intuitively felt that the passage was just ahead, and it was just a formation.

She doesn't know much about mazes. She has only seen some of these in modern times, but she didn't study them carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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