The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 248 Lord of the Dark Palace 2

Chapter 248 Lord of the Dark Palace 2
"Laugh at your stupidity." Lan Zihan said coldly, squinting at him.

No wonder he is not as good as Jiulan Yunbo, with such a temperament, easily irritated, how can he beat Jiulan Yunbo if he doesn't see the situation clearly.

"Damn it." Jiulan Yunmo cursed in a low voice, suddenly, he raised his eyes to stare at Lan Zihan, and said in disbelief: "You, what is your relationship with Jiulan Qingyan?"

He remembered, this face was too similar to Jiu Lan Qingyan's.Although the temperaments of the two are completely different, there is a big difference, but he will not remember it wrongly, this is the appearance of Jiulan Qingyan when she was a girl.

He thought that Jiulan Qingyan had died in that fall into the sea, could it be...
"Thanks to you, I am her daughter." Lan Zihan stared at him coldly, the coldness suddenly appeared on her body, and the murderous aura permeated her whole body.

Without giving Jiulan Yunmo time to react, he already dodged and disappeared in place.

Jiulan Yunmo was still shocked by her identity, but now she saw her disappear inexplicably from where she was, and immediately reacted, his eyes gradually became cold, and he stared at the surroundings warily.

Seeing this situation, a group of people behind him were also on alert.

Mo Wuchen didn't move, Li Shang didn't move, Leng Luoyan and the people against the sky didn't move, they just looked at them coldly.

They were already aware of Lan Zihan's perverted martial arts, but they still couldn't help being surprised when they saw her suddenly disappear.

For her, one word, strong.

Jiulan Yunmo looked around, but did not find the woman's figure, and the gloomy aura on her body became heavier and heavier.

Suddenly, he felt a strange wind blowing beside him, and he dodged quickly, but his sleeve was still cut and there was a bloodstain on his arm.

"Damn it." He cursed under his breath.

He is very skilled in martial arts, and now he was slightly injured before he even had a formal fight, damn it.No one has ever hurt him, except his elder brother Jiulan Yunbo.

Feeling angry, he turned to look at the woman in white behind him, and said coldly: "You are useful, you can hurt me."

Lan Zihan had already shown her figure just now, standing in front of him, looking at him without flinching: "You are already old, so you should know where you are going."

The implication is that a lot of age, still fighting for power, has more than enough energy.

"Haha. Cousin, what you said is right. You are an old man, and you don't feel ashamed if you want to cause some trouble." Li Shang laughed in a disfigured manner.

He discovered more and more that his cousin had the ability to piss people off.

"Second sister-in-law, you are right. He is the kind of person who can't see the facts clearly. He really thinks that he is superior and no one can hurt him." Leng Luoyan also interjected.

He particularly disliked Jiulan Yunmo, who looked at them like ants in their eyes, who do you think he is, above ten thousand people?he dreams.

"Give it to me, and take them all back." Jiulan Yunmo's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He had never been insulted like this before. Damn it, how could he swallow this breath.

After the words fell, a group of people behind him moved.They all drew out their long swords, flew up, and rushed towards Lan Zihan's party.

They had already heard the suppressed anger in Jiu Lan Yunmo's tone, and they had to admire that the woman in front of them had the ability to irritate people.

At the same time, her agility also surprised them.

(End of this chapter)

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