The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 263: Moon Cloud Banquet 1

Chapter 263: Moon Cloud Banquet 1
He knew that the prince missed the princess, and he would only act like a normal person in front of the princess.

Xi Lei and Xi Dian looked at each other, understanding each other tacitly.

Leng Yichen stood quietly with his back against a big tree, his figure was tall and straight, his handsome face was expressionless, and even his black clothes could not conceal his extraordinary and heroic appearance.He was born with the air of a king in the world, handsome and handsome, and his facial features seemed to be carved out of marble, with sharp edges and corners, sharp and deep eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression.

He looked at the distant sky with his deep and dark eyes, and a cold and indifferent woman in white was outlined in his mind.

His little guy must have arrived at the Blood Palace, I don't know how she is now.

It has been 20 days since they separated, but in his opinion, it is as long as a whole century.

He clearly felt that after she left, his life became boring and lost its color. Only her presence could warm his cold and lonely heart at that moment.

He wants to go directly to Lan Zihan, but he can't be so reckless, he has his own mission and tasks, he has Tianchen's people to protect, he is not alone, he can't be so selfish, and neither will his little guy Allow him to do so.

Suppressing the full of longing in his heart, he will deal with the matter here as soon as possible, and then go to his little guy.

"My lord, this is news from my concubine." Ying came from nowhere, and suddenly appeared in front of Leng Yichen, and respectfully handed the envelope in his hand to Leng Yichen.

Leng Yichen's body trembled slightly, then immediately left the place, took the envelope from Ying's hand, and slowly opened it.

'It's here, don't worry. ' These five words are written on the envelope.

Looking at the vigorous and powerful handwriting on the paper, there is a touch of pride.

A smile flashed across his eyes, and he stroked the words with his fingers, as if he was stroking a treasure.

This is the little guy's font, he can recognize it.

After looking at it for a long time, I folded the paper and put it in the shirt on my chest.

"Take a rest for a while, and then set off." Leng Yichen looked at Xi Lei and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, my lord." Xi Lei nodded respectfully.

He was no stranger to this situation.After the concubine left, the prince didn't like to speak, and his words became less, and he was extremely strict with them.

At this moment, in his heart, he missed the days when the princess was there.

Xi Dian watched Leng Yichen's actions just now, and sighed infinitely in his heart. Sure enough, the position of the princess in the heart of the prince is irreplaceable, and the letter can be treasured so well.

Speaking of which, the envelope was written by Lan Zihan when he entered the Blood Palace, and then Feige passed it on. It has been a few days since that date.

"Let's go." After everyone was dressed, Leng Yichen flew onto the horse and shouted loudly.

In the tone, there is the innate majesty and kingly air, which makes people surrender.

Everyone stood up one after another, ready to go.

A group of people headed towards the moon.

At this time, the Yuezhuo Kingdom is full of excitement. In the palace, the ministers have already started to prepare for the banquet in a few days.

And Yue Yexie, at the moment, was lying leisurely on the soft couch, basking in the sun in the garden and enjoying it, very comfortable.

The corners of his mouth curled up into a sinister curve, thinking that in a few days, he would be able to see the woman he hadn't seen for a long time, and he felt a burst of joy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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