Chapter 283 Battle at Sea 6
"Order to go on, and immediately lead the troops to gather in the square and prepare the ships. Since the blood palace is coming, it is time for my dark palace to attack." Jiulan Yunmo put away the thoughts in his heart, looked at the people in the palace, and said in a deep voice.

Although the people in his dark palace are not as strong as Jiulan Yunbo, but this is fighting at sea, and they are all trying for the first time, and it is still Jiulan Yunbo who wants to capture his territory. There are difficulties in this, he Jiulan Yun Mo is not so easy to bully.

"Yes, I obey." Everyone in the hall replied loudly, and then rushed out of the hall.

They all know that this place has been silent for so many years, and it has been quiet for so many years, and now it is time to break it.

Jiulan Yunmo put away his thoughts and looked at Jiulan Yunbo coldly, the gloomy aura on his body did not change at all.

"I'm not your elder brother. As early as the day you betrayed my blood palace, as early as the moment you hurt Qingyan, the brotherhood between us has long been broken." Jiulan Yunbo slightly shook hands in his sleeves Tight, remembering how they grew up together in the past, remembering how they got along in the past, remembering the scene when Jiulan Qingyan fell into the river, he has long since lost a trace of nostalgia for him.

"Hehe. Lord of the Blood Palace, today I want to see whether it is you who defeated my Dark Palace, or whether it was my Dark Palace that leveled your Blood Palace." Jiulan Yunmo said coldly.

Today's battle is inevitable, either you will die or I will die, it should have been settled long ago.

"If you are obsessed with obsession, you can't blame anyone." Jiulan Yunbo snorted coldly, and the breath on his body suddenly became cold, and there was also a cold look in his eyes at this time.

He will not continue to let him go on, the tragedy of that year does not need to repeat itself, he will not allow such a thing to happen.

With a wave of his right hand, he shouted coldly: "The archers are ready."

As soon as the voice fell, some people on the rest of the ship all put up their postures, released arrows, and drew bows. Their movements were calm and capable, not unfamiliar at all, and they were waiting for Jiulan Yunbo's next order.
Mo Wuchen stood on the back left of Jiulan Yunbo, staring straight ahead, ready to strike at any time.

Li Shang also stood solemnly on the back right of Jiulan Yunbo, with a delicate and cute baby face, now there was no usual smile, replaced by calm and steady, and the aura on his body gradually became colder.

The three of them formed a triangle state at this time. I don't know if it was on purpose or they wanted to stand like this.

Lan Zihan disappeared, they knew that when they were about to approach the dark palace, Lan Zihan had already gone into the cabin, not knowing what she was doing.

However, they were not worried, they understood Lan Zihan's character, she would not run away, but they didn't know what kind of surprise she was hiding in the dark for them.

Jiulan Yunmo smiled coldly and raised his right hand high: "Defense, prepare the bow and crossbow."

Over the years, although he has not fought a war, he has secretly manufactured many weapons and stored them, and those people are also training all the time.

"Fire the arrow." Jiulan Yunbo shouted loudly, raising his hand above his head, and the voice spread far away.

"call out"


Almost at the same time as his words fell, those people in the blood palace who had already prepared all released their arrows in unison, aiming at the direction of the dark palace.

"Defense." Jiulan Yunmo sneered, with this little strength, are you regressing?

(End of this chapter)

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