Chapter 297 Volcanic Eruption 4
She can't fail here, she still has to wait for Leng Yichen, her fate is in her own hands, Zi Mei will never admit defeat easily.Spinning his hands in mid-air, the sea water behind him rolled up layers of waves, rolling up waves of more than ten meters, temporarily blocking the molten lava, buying them some time.

"Boom boom." The submerged island made another noise at this time, bursting out from the hole mouths of crimson molten lava, and went up to the sky, forming a large fiery red mushroom, which was even more turbulent than the previous one. It almost covered half of the sky, and the sky was dyed blood red, the red was alluring, and the red was thrilling.

The flaming mushrooms were flying in the air and falling in all directions, coming fiercely, even more violently than before.

The magma hit the sea surface, and it was filled with magma in all directions, but it didn't stop, it was still surging forward, the speed didn't decrease at all, on the contrary, it became more rapid.

Looking at the scene behind him, Jiulan Yunmo was terrified, flew up, stepped on the boat and rushed forward, the heat wave behind him could almost burn his back, but he didn't stop his movements, his internal strength was almost Exhausted, he still rushed forward.

Seeing the coast getting closer and closer, he raised his heart to his throat, shouted loudly, exhausted all the remaining internal energy in his body, and flew towards the shore with all his strength.


The body was thrown towards the shore, and the legs were still hammered into the sea water. Even though the body had no strength, but relying on the tenacious will in the heart, it turned and threw the legs towards the shore. Spread to, a pain in the ankle.

The body has reached a state of extreme tension and vigilance, and at this moment, after all, he couldn't help it and passed out.

"Damn it." Lan Zihan cursed in a low voice, looking at the scene behind her, she frowned, the shore was getting closer and closer, only ten meters away, but the lava behind them was less than two meters away , holding hands tightly, damn, damn, the speed of the lava is too fast, too fast.

Raising his right hand in the air, the waves behind him were a few meters higher again, a full 20 meters high. Lan Zihan looked at the distance in front of him, only five or six meters away, and shouted: "Jump the boat."

Everyone was vigilant at all times, and when they heard Lan Zihan's loud shout, they flew forward without the slightest hesitation.

At the same moment, as they jumped off the ship, the 20-meter-high waves were covered in lava, and the ship was also submerged in lava.

It was too late to say so fast, all this seemed to be a long time, but in fact it was only a few seconds.

All the people who jumped off the boat were blown away by the wind force used by Lan Zihan, and rushed towards the shore.


"Bang bang." Everyone was hit by the strong wind behind them, and the waves beat them, and finally reached the shore safely, but they were unable to struggle, fell vertically to the ground, and then passed out.

Almost when they went ashore, the menacing lava also submerged the entire sea surface, and the entire blue and clear sea water turned into a bewitching fiery red at this moment, and at a glance, it was a sea of ​​flames.

The world returned to calm, and everything returned to tranquility, as if the scene just now was an illusion, but the sky was no longer so blue, but bloodthirsty, and the wide sea of ​​flames all explained the thrilling scene just now.

(End of this chapter)

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