Chapter 30 Her Power 3
The 1000 people are waiting for each one with dry mouth = zao, already feeling that they are about to fall down in the next second, but they only have one belief in their minds, that is, they must finish these [-] laps, and they cannot admit defeat. Faith, finally, after running fifty laps, in an instant, all of them fell to the ground and breathed fresh air.

Lan Zihan's indifferent eyes swept over the 1000 people one by one, a strangeness flashed in his eyes, and then he said lightly: "Today is just the beginning, if you can't go on like this, then there is no need for you to go on, but, Great, you've taken the first step."

After waiting for them to rest, Lan Zihan's cold voice continued to echo in everyone's ears: "Don't doubt your ability, I just worked hard like this, it is impossible to get something for nothing, practice like this for half a month first In a month, half a month, I will teach you how to assassinate."

Half a month later, Lan Zihan saw the 1000 people running in an orderly manner, with a steady pace, which was obviously very different from half a month ago, and she knew that they had worked hard.

When these people stood in front of him, Lan Zihan's phoenix eyes adjusted slightly, and her indifferent yet domineering voice sounded: "Next, I will teach you how to kill the enemy with one move. First, you must find the enemy's death spot. Others I won't give you a chance to stand and wait for you to kill. You must understand three words, fast, ruthless, accurate, move quickly, be ruthless to people, accurately identify the weaknesses of others, and then kill them with one blow. Otherwise, you will be the ones who die."

The 1000 people listened carefully to Lan Zihan's words, with awe and admiration in their eyes.

Lan Zihan closed her eyes, and her lips raised a touch of bloodthirsty, "We will go back into this forest immediately, there are fierce beasts and unknown dangers in it, I will not help you, you have to perceive the danger on your own, use Solve it with your own ability." After speaking, he looked at them with firmness and ferocity in their eyes, raised his hand and said calmly, "Let's go."

In this way, a group of people poured into the forest without fear.

It has been half an hour since she stepped into the forest, and the corner of Lan Zihan's mouth curled into a faint smile. She already felt a group of footsteps slowly approaching this direction. She looked at the 1000 people in front of her, and did not remind them. Feel it yourself.

Finally, as the footsteps got closer and closer, the 1000 people stopped and listened attentively. Li Feng turned his head and reminded the others: "There are a group of footsteps approaching us, everyone be careful."

Lan Zihan looked at Li Feng with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

Everyone was vigilant, waiting for the arrival of the unknown thing ahead. Finally, a quarter of an hour later, a wild wolf appeared, and then there were fifty or sixty wild wolves at one end and two ends at the back.

The wild wolf in a skirt looked at the group of people in front of him with the faint green light, with undisguised salivation in his eyes, and his saliva fell directly.

Then, the leader of the wild wolves at the front raised his head and roared, then rushed over immediately, followed by the wolves behind.

Li Feng and other 1000 people held the daggers in their hands and shouted: "Brothers, charge, don't forget the method that the boss taught us to fight the enemy, charge."

A group of people are bullying each other, and a war between humans and wolves begins.

Lan Zihan looked in Li Feng's direction with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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