Chapter 300
Nangong Xueling looked down at the man on the rice paper, her clear and vivid eyes showed deep thoughts, she seemed to be trapped in her own memories, and she didn't even notice that there was an extra figure in the room at some time.

Yue Yexie entered the room and saw her sitting in front of the window sill without moving, as if she didn't notice his arrival, her brows were raised slightly, what was she doing?Didn't even notice him coming in.

Seeing her looking down at the rice paper on the table, the curiosity in his heart made him approach unconsciously, slowly approaching her side, and looking down at the rice paper.

A man exuding a faint indifference, wearing black clothes, but he had never seen that dress before, and it was the same type as the one worn when Nangong Xueling was rescued for the first time.

He lowered his head, his broken bangs covered his eyebrows, and under the light, there was a beautiful circle of light on the top of the man's well-defined tea-brown hair.With piercing and unruly eyes, slender and long single phoenix eyes, and two proud thin lips under the high bridge of the nose.The most striking thing is the row of small iridescent obsidian brow studs on his left brow bone, which shone with colorful light, as sharp as his eyes.

With such an appearance and expression, at first glance, people think that he is too sharp, with a kind of sharpness and sharpness that has been in the world for a long time.

Looking at the brush on her right hand that has not been put down, and the wet ink on the rice paper, it is obvious that she has just painted it.

Looking down at the obvious yearning emotion on her face and eyes, she was so lost in thought, her evil eyes narrowed slightly, and anger suddenly rose in her heart, damn it, is she thinking about the man on the rice paper?Who is that man?Is it someone she likes?He had no idea why he wanted to ask these questions.

"You are so shameless that you actually draw a portrait of a man. You haven't left the court yet. Which wild man is this?" Yue Yexie finally couldn't help it, and interrupted her continuing to miss her in a daze.

Nangong Xueling was still in her own thoughts at first, but at this moment, hearing a deep male voice beside her, she frowned slightly, her thoughts were brought back to reality, and she turned her head to look at Yue Yexie's evil and slender figure, flashing across her eyes A touch of annoyance, is she too engrossed, she didn't even know he entered, damn it, her vigilance is getting lower and lower.

"I don't have any shame, hehe, so what does that have to do with you, he is not something you can insult." Nangong Xueling finally remembered what he had just said at this moment, a smear of anger floated in her heart, and a ball of fire burned in her eyes Flame, staring at Yue Yexie, his voice gradually became cold.

Damn it, she will never allow anyone to scold her daddy.She was originally sitting in front of the window, looking at the blue sky, with complicated thoughts in her heart, thinking of her daddy in the 21st century, her heart was full of sadness and longing.Seeing the pen, ink, paper and inkstone beside him, I couldn't help but draw his appearance.

Her father was very kind to her, gave her all the love and care, and put her safety first.

But when she was in the 21st century, she was so ignorant, ignoring his contribution like that, she always thought that these were taken for granted, she always thought that these were nothing, she always thought that he made too much fuss and didn't trust her strength.

Thinking about it now, she was so stupid back then, so reckless and ignorant, always bickering with him.

(End of this chapter)

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