Chapter 303 So Weird 2
"Then get out, there is a real chapter in martial arts, don't you dare to fight with me?" Nangong Xueling looked at him provocatively, and said coldly.

Although her martial arts are not as good as Yue Yexie, she can still use modern moves.

You can't put him down, and you can entangle him for a while, and self-protection is no problem.

More importantly, she is very upset now.

This damned Yue Yexie fought with her just now, now that the situation is like this, doesn't he feel that his mood changes too fast, too uncertain?
"You want to fight with me?" Yue Yexie looked at Nangong Xueling contemptuously, as if she was very disdainful for her words.

Does she know that although they often fight with each other on weekdays, if they want to fight for real, is she sure that she will have the upper hand and win?
Although her martial arts moves are very strange and varied.

But as long as you are familiar with it, you will also see a way out.

It's just that the steps of this kind of martial arts moves are weird, and the movement of punching is also very strange, so he can't learn it.

Besides, he didn't have that skill to want to learn.

Does Yue Yexie want anything? He has practiced martial arts hard since he was a child, and there are very few people in this world who are his opponents.

Besides Leng Yichen, there is also Lan Zihan.

Both of them are rare masters in the world.

Lengheng Yichen's martial arts is needless to say, since he practiced it since he was a child, compared with him, the two are evenly matched.

As for Lan Zihan, his moves were weird and fast, his steps were strange, and his methods were fierce and cruel. Although he had never fought her head-on, he could tell from when she fought with others.

Master, she is a master.

"You don't look down on people. Isn't it because your internal strength is stronger than me, and you don't have internal strength to bully me. If you have the guts, don't use your internal strength to fight me alone. It's not certain who will win." Nangong Xueling put a Forcefully, sweep towards Yue Yexie's back.

Yue Yexie noticed her movement and flew away from the bed with sharp eyes, and looked at him with a smile on his lips: "Xue Ling, since you want to fight, then my highness will accompany you."

He looked at the anger on her face, he knew that she was not an ordinary woman, she was not those women who posted upside down to seduce him, she was different from them, she had her self-esteem, she had her pride, she would not allow him to do this trample on her dignity.

That's why he rescued her and left her behind, instead of killing her or driving her out of the house.

She wants to have a real fight with him, why not?

Nangong Xueling's expression froze. During the several months of being together, this was the first time she heard him call her name. She had a strange feeling in her heart, but she couldn't put it into words.

She looked at him with complicated eyes. She didn't know how she felt about him and what attitude she had towards him. They had been together for a few months, and it seemed that apart from quarreling and fighting, they had never been quiet.

Shaking his head secretly, shaking off the thoughts in his head, he said in a deep voice: "That's great, then go out and fight. The location here is small and inconvenient."

"Okay, why not, there is no one in the garden, go there, I don't like bullying the weak." Yue Ye smiled evilly, looking at Nangong Xueling with evil eyes, her expression was very lazy, leisurely and calm Idle, there is no preparation for a tough battle that is about to start.

Although he agreed to her invitation, he really didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he had seen her martial arts moves before.

Therefore, no matter what moves she makes, he can deal with them calmly.

(Dear friends, do you want Xueling to be thrown down and eaten, please leave a message in the comment area and say oh, haha.)
(End of this chapter)

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