Chapter 306 So Weird 5
Recently when this woman came to the mansion, His Royal Highness is obviously in a much better mood than before.

Although these are not things they can ask, as long as they pass by some places, they can always hear the laughter and loud curses of the woman in blue.

They were also very curious why His Royal Highness was not angry.

Forget that as long as someone dares to disobey him and dare to provoke him, he is the solver without saying a word. Although they have not seen what happened to the person who was dealt with, they will understand when they think of the temper and title of His Royal Highness.

Only the woman in blue was different. His Royal Highness did not punish her or accuse her. This news is no longer a secret in the Prince's Mansion.

Therefore, when they saw the woman in blue, they were also very respectful.

For fear of offending her accidentally, they dare not try the consequences of His Royal Highness being angry.

However, fortunately, the woman in blue had a good temper. Although she was a little hot, she never made things difficult for them.

The dense green leaves are set against the purple-red flowers, which are delicate and bright, and look like a beautiful colorful satin from a distance.

Xiuyu has just become a reality, and it is suitable to be treated by Phoenix.The poles are green and green, and all of them are green and cool.Build anti-step water, wear curtains to hinder tripod fragrance.Don't shake the broken shadows, the sweet dreams are just beginning to grow.

The pavilions are dotted with vibrant green bamboos and strangely shaped stones. Those strange rocks are piled up together, which are abrupt and magnificent.

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions, pools, halls and waterside pavilions are reflected in the green pines and cypresses.Rockery and strange rocks, bonsai flower beds, vines and green bamboos are dotted among them.

Nangong Xueling brought Yue Yexie to the garden, stood beside a small river, looked up at Yue Yexie: "It's here."

The scenery here is quite good. She has been here several times and likes it very much.

There is a large open space beside the river, if there is a fight, it is enough here.

No matter how destructive they are, this place is enough for them to fight.

"It doesn't matter." Yue Yexie spread out her hands, looking very casual.

Nangong Xueling raised her eyebrows, pulled out the long whip around her waist, waved it in the air, and then whipped towards Yue Yexie's body.

Yue Ye Xiexie smiled charmingly, she had been prepared for a long time, quickly shifted to the side, and said very leisurely: "Is this the only thing you can do?"

He just wanted to piss her off.

Sure enough, Nangong Xueling was furious.

She smiled coldly: "We'll wait and see." You'll know how capable she is in a while.

After finishing speaking, he swung his right hand at Yue Yexie's chest, and the long whip spun in the air, heading straight forward.

Yue Yexie's body tilted downwards, Mofa flipped in the air, and then she slapped the ground with one hand, jumped up, and rushed towards Nangong Xueling.

He kept his word and didn't use internal strength or light work. This was a real melee attack, and he used all experienced strength.

But it is also as fast as running water.

Nangong Xueling couldn't help raising her eyebrows secretly, this man is so fast without using Qinggong.

However, now is not the time for her to be distracted.

She retracted the long whip, swung it fiercely again, and swung it towards Yue Yexie. The speed of the long whip was very fast, no less than that of Yue Yexie, and there was a touch of coldness all over her body.

Yue Ye smiled evilly, without retreating, her big hand abruptly caught the whip that Nangong Xueling swung, the expression on her face did not change at all, her body was still in that forward posture, and rushed towards Nangong Xueling.

(End of this chapter)

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