The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 314 Entering the Blood Palace 1

Chapter 314 Entering the Blood Palace 1
I saw that the intact mountain began to crack a gap from the middle, and then slowly separated towards the two sides.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

There was nothing unusual in Leng Yichen's eyes, he just watched this scene quietly, as if he had expected it long ago.


The stone wall that separated towards the two sides finally stopped, and a long passage was exposed in the center of the stone wall.

"Go in and follow." Leng Yichen said in a cold voice, and then walked towards the passage ahead.

With a chic smile on the corner of Ye Feiyu's mouth, he also followed behind him.

Xi Lei and Xi followed with everyone behind them.

A group of people were walking in the passage, surrounded by pitch black, unable to see the scenery inside clearly, just followed closely and walked forward.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a sliver of light slowly appeared in front of it, and more and more, from light to thick, golden sunlight shone in, illuminating the stone walls inside.

Leng Yichen was still walking forward, his pace quickened a lot.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, they finally walked out of the long passage, their eyes were bright, and the fragrance of flowers and fresh air filled their noses, making them feel refreshed.


When everyone came out, the stone wall closed automatically, slowly moved towards the middle, and then recovered the intact stone wall, as if the crack just now was just a hallucination, but the place they were in made them clearly Feel it, it's real.

On the majestic Yunfeng, the cliffs are shining in an instant.In a blink of an eye, the mountains and forests at the foot cleared away, and the mountains were full of greenery, covering the ancient buildings with exquisitely carved eaves.

Surrounded by water on all sides, isolated peaks stand tall, the trees on the mountain are luxuriant, the green bamboos are overcast, the mountain walls are steep, and the river is surging.

Looking up into the distance, one can see the towering dark green mountains, the shady trees all over the mountains, the vast blue sky, and the wispy wisps of clouds just constitute an elegant and interesting light ink landscape painting.

The peak is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the mountain path is winding, like a ribbon falling down from the clouds. Tourists are like small white dots scattered on the ribbon, moving slowly upwards.

Everyone is attracted by this beautiful scenery, ethereal like a fairy, like a fairyland, everything is so beautiful and illusory, but this real scenery is a real existence.

"This place is really nice." Ye Feiyu was also attracted by the scenery and couldn't help sighing.

That Jiulan Yunbo is really enjoyable. With this fairyland, it is really a beautiful place in the hidden world. That Hua Xiyan should be very happy.

Leng Yichen ignored him, looked at the road, and headed towards a road.

Ye Feiyu smacked his lips, watching his movements, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he really wanted to see Lan Zihan too urgently.However, he followed closely.

The group of people behind also followed directly, they were not familiar with this.

"Palace Master." A man walked in outside the hall, bowed and bowed.

"What's the matter?" Jiulan Yunbo was discussing things with everyone when he saw this man and asked in a deep voice.

He couldn't think of anything, it should be impossible for the Dark Palace to attack so quickly.

"Palace Master, the labyrinth has been opened from the outside world, and people from the outside world have already entered this place." Yan Xu cupped his fists and nodded respectfully.

After he got the news, he rushed over to report it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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