The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 318 Head-to-head confrontation 2

Chapter 318 Head-to-head confrontation 2
Leng Yichen thought to himself, he already knew the identity of the man in black on the high platform at this moment, he must be Jiulan Yunbo without a doubt, there is no other person in the world who possesses such a temperament.Although he has never seen Jiulan Yunbo with his own eyes, he can tell based on his appearance and breath.

The coercion and arrogance of the king emanating from the bones, the elite and vicissitudes of life that have been involved in the world for a long time, there is no one else except him.

He and Jiulan Yunbo looked straight at each other, and their aura did not decrease at all. Although he was at the bottom and Jiulan Yunbo was at the top, the aura was equal and there was no tendency to be inferior to him.

"Haha." Jiulan Yunbo burst out laughing suddenly, the laughter was full of joy and arrogance.

There was no change on Leng Yichen's face, he just watched all this with cold eyes.Frowning secretly in his heart, he had already inspected the entire hall when he came in just now, he didn't see the person he was thinking of, and there was no breath of her here.

The corners of the mouths of all the people in the hall were slightly hooked. Seeing Jiulan Yunbo's expression, they knew that he was satisfied with his grandson-in-law.

"Grandson-in-law, how much time did you spend solving the maze?" Jiulan Yunbo said slowly.

Judging from the meeting just now, he is very satisfied with Leng Yichen. This person is not an ordinary person, and his aura is not inferior to him in the slightest.

He also wanted to know how long it took him to decipher the intricate maze.

"Two days." Leng Yichen was neither humble nor overbearing, just said in a deep voice.

He doesn't need to exaggerate or lie, and he, Leng Yichen, doesn't bother with that.

In his heart, he didn't dislike the name of the grandson-in-law, and he still had a good feeling for Jiulan Yunbo.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sigh in the hall.

They all know the difficulty of the maze, if they are asked to solve it, it will not happen overnight.As for him, he cracked it in just two days. It's because they haven't gone out for too long, or he is too smart and wise.

They choose the latter.

"There are talented people from generation to generation in Jiangshan, you are very good." Jiulan Yunbo pursed his lips slightly, and was not very surprised when he heard his answer, as if he had expected it.

However, he still admires Leng Yichen very much. Wuchen and the others have told about his deeds before, and he knows that Wuchen and the others will not tell lies. Now that he saw Leng Yichen with his own eyes, he also saw his wise mind , the satisfaction with him once again rose to a higher level.

He and Han'er are really a match.

"Who is that?" Jiulan Yunbo looked at the man beside him, but he didn't recognize him.

"Ye Feiyu is acquainted with Yichen." Ye Feiyu said lightly, with a slight curl of his mouth.

Since he entered the main hall, he has probably looked at the people here once. He is most curious about Jiulan Yunbo and admires him very much.

However, he didn't find Lan Zihan's figure either, and he felt amused in his heart, presumably Leng Yichen couldn't help it.

"Where is Han'er?" Sure enough, as Ye Feiyu thought, Leng Yichen couldn't concentrate on staying any longer, he just wanted to see Lan Zihan as soon as possible.

Ye Feiyu laughed secretly, he really admired himself more and more.

A smile flickered across Jiulan Yunbo's deep eyes, and she didn't mind, and said slowly: "Han'er went to the southwest seaside, you can find her figure if you go forward along that prescription."

(End of this chapter)

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