Chapter 323 The Two Meet 6
She's not alone, he's worried, he's scared, she knows it.

"Chen, have the external affairs been handled properly?" Lan Zihan raised her head, staring at him with her phoenix eyes and said softly.

Leng Yichen nodded and smiled: "Well, everything has been dealt with. I came back from Yuezhuo, and Yueyexie sent people to find out my whereabouts, but they were all about my route back to Tianchen."

How could he not have noticed that there was a tail following him all the way, he just sneered, pretending not to notice.

The corners of Lan Zihan's lips curled up slightly, and she smiled knowingly, his route to the Blood Palace was going to Tianchen, that person couldn't follow all the way to Tianchen, so he couldn't find it.

Leng Yichen smiled, but didn't answer, and then, as if suddenly remembering something, his brows were slightly frowned.

"Chen, what's the matter?" Lan Zihan noticed the change in his face, and felt puzzled.

"When I was attending a banquet in Yuezhuo, I saw a strange woman. She was rescued by Yueyexie on the way back to Yuezhuo. According to Xiyu's inquiring information, the woman described was dressed in the same clothes as you mentioned in the 21st century. The clothes are the same, with bare arms and legs." Leng Yichen remembered the news reported by Xidian when the moon was cloudy, and still chose to tell her that he had doubts before, but he was not from that world, just I've heard Lan Zihan say it, but I don't know much about it, and she can judge easily.

Lan Zihan frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"En." Leng Yichen nodded, and then told the girl's performance at the banquet that day and Yue Yexie's confrontation.

Lan Zihan frowned, and a strange look flashed across her eyes.Is there still people in the 21st century in this world?She didn't know, but listening to his details, that dress didn't exist in this world, and the woman's words and actions, so there was a slight possibility.She hasn't seen it with her own eyes, though, so she can't be entirely sure.

"I'm not sure yet, I'll know for sure after seeing it." Lan Zihan's brows stretched out, and she was at ease when it came, she was not afraid of anyone, even if it came from the 21st century, she had no fear at all.

"Well, I don't think so much anymore, it's getting late, let's go back." Leng Yichen smiled dotingly, and glanced at the sky, it was getting darker and darker.

"Okay." Lan Zihan smiled and stood up.

Leng Yichen also got up, embraced her in his arms, turned and walked towards the way he came.

The gorgeous sunset glow, like spilled paint, sprinkled on the horizon, setting off the bright red sunset.But the setting sun seemed to be drunk and plunged into the water, swaying and swaying, dyeing the blue ocean into a dazzling red.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the mountain peak is covered with a layer of orange-red halo, like a painting with rich colors.

The faint cloud and mist on the sea also receded quietly, revealing an island indistinctly. "The solitary smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun is setting in the long river." I saw a red sun hanging above the clouds, shining brightly, and the sea of ​​clouds was dyed brightly, shining golden light, like a burning flame.At the end of the sky, the place where the water and the sky meet will still be surging uncomfortably, and the colorful clouds on the sea will flow and sparkle.Beside the sea of ​​clouds, there was a deserted and deep twilight.

The backs of the two going away are intertwined, and they look even more beautiful against the backdrop of the setting sun.

Lan Zihan took Leng Yichen to her room directly, she knew that he had been traveling so fast for many days, that he already had a little
(End of this chapter)

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