Chapter 325 Official Meeting 2
Ye Feiyu's words brought the two of them in and despised them. It was a pun. It must be said that he had the potential to be black-bellied.

Ye Feiyu drank a glass of wine gracefully and calmly, and chuckled: "Do you think I'm too good a person, don't worship me."

As long as it is not an important situation or matter, he can maintain his unrestrained temperament, even in the blood palace, he is not too restrained.

Leng Luoyan: "."

Li Shang: "."

It has to be said that Ye Feiyu is strong, and he shocked these two live treasures together.

Hua Xiyan watched the interaction between them with a gentle smile on her face. They have unique looks and temperaments, and their personalities are really interesting. She likes this way of getting along very much.

A smile flickered across Jiulan Yunbo's deep eyes, and after more than half a month of getting along, he understood Leng Luoyan's temperament somewhat, which was somewhat similar to Li Shang.That Ye Feiyu is also a good character, with a chic and wanton temperament, very easy-going.

Nowadays, such unambitious people are rare in the outside world. No one is not moved by the supreme power and glory, just like Jiulan Yunmo.

Although he did not go to the outside world, he learned from Mo Wuchen and Li Shang the current situation, Tianchen, Yuezhuo, Mengxi, Huayu Four Kingdoms, Tianchen was originally a big power, ranked first, and then Huayu Yu was included among them, and the number one position was firmly seated.

Tianchen has three princes, and the eldest prince ascended the throne to control the government. He is courageous and resourceful. Although he looks as gentle as jade, he is actually not someone to be trifled with.The second prince, Leng Yichen, went out to fight, he was bloodthirsty and ruthless, he killed decisively, and his iron-blooded methods made people terrified.Although the third prince, Leng Luoyan, did not interfere in some matters, and had been playing around in the world, but three months ago, he suddenly changed to help Leng Yufeng share the burden, restrain his mind, and redouble his efforts in training, which should not be underestimated.

There is no intrigue or intrigue between the three of them, the relationship between the brothers is very good, they are all dedicated to the sky, and they don't care who sits on the highest position.

Since ancient times, kings are so ruthless, which one is not three thousand beauties in the harem, which prince is not three wives and four concubines, Tianchen Leng Yufeng has no concubines in the harem, only one queen, and Leng Yichen only marries Haner and one wife.

He was very satisfied after hearing this, and he also had a good impression of Tianchen. Han'er would definitely live well in this country.

Looking at the unrestrained and casual Ye Feiyu, the corners of his lips were slightly raised. They are all extraordinary, and they are dedicated to Tianchen. He is optimistic about Leng Yichen's strength, and his kingly aura that looks down on the world. Almost no one can resist. The outside world Sooner or later it will fall into the sky.

Mo Wuchen just ate his breakfast quietly, ignoring the conversations of several people, as if he was used to it.

Yes, he's used to it, he's used to the way they get along, and it's strange to him if they are quiet.

"It's already high in the sun, and my cousin and cousin-in-law haven't come yet, Luo Yan, why don't we call?" Li Shang had an obvious smile on his baby face, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.

"If you have the guts, you go." Leng Luoyan smiled softly, unmoved.

He wouldn't be so stupid as to pluck the hair off the tiger's head, he didn't have the guts yet, but he was very afraid of his second brother, and he hadn't seen his second sister-in-law for more than a month, he only went after his head was kicked by a donkey, his second brother He didn't dare to provoke his sister-in-law, otherwise he would be the one being bullied.

(End of this chapter)

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