The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 328 1 Traveling Together 1

Chapter 328 Traveling Together 1
The six figures walked on the forest path, everyone was so flawless and outstanding, the six figures constructed a seductive landscape.

"Second brother, how is the eldest sister-in-law's health? Is the child healthy?" Leng Luoyan walked on the forest path and asked about Xia Yiyu.

Xia Yiyu's health is not very good, and now she is pregnant, how is her health?

"No problem, very healthy." Leng Yichen hugged Lan Zihan and said lightly.

He had already taken care of Tianchen's affairs before he came out. Xia Yiyu's body has been carefully conditioned by the imperial doctor, and she is very healthy, and her child is also well. Get ready.However, Yue Yexie will not come to fight in a short time. This situation is too unfavorable for him.

"Well, that's good." Leng Luoyan smiled and felt relieved.

Xia Yiyu is a very gentle woman who takes good care of them and loves Leng Yufeng very much. She has always done things properly, but when she asks about the government, she is gentle and gentle. Leng Yufeng also loves her very much. Now that she is pregnant, Brother Dahuang, I'm afraid that smile will last for a long time.

"Luo Yan, could it be that you already have a woman you want?" Li Shang leaned over and asked curiously.

He stayed in Chenwang Mansion for at least a few months. During that period, he was busy training there and had no relationship with women. He had never married a wife, so I don't know what kind of woman he likes.

A strange look flashed across Ye Feiyu's eyes, with a chic and wanton smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked up at Leng Luoyan.

Lan Zihan, who was walking in front with Leng Yichen, couldn't help slowing down, waiting for his answer, she was not in a hurry.

Leng Yichen looked down at the person in his arms, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and his sharp-edged face became softer.

"The woman you want?" Leng Luoyan raised his eyebrows, he really didn't think about it.

In the past, I have been traveling around the world, enjoying delicious food, visiting the scenery, worrying about food and clothing, and not worrying about the government and the country, just enjoying it to my heart's content.Then, I deeply realized that he needs to work hard to become stronger. He is the prince of Tianchen, and he has to protect him with all his heart. After several months of training and hard work, he succeeded.

However, he didn't think about the woman he wanted, and he didn't have that kind of thought. If he wanted it, he could hook his fingers, and there would be a lot of women, but he didn't want that. There was no emotion, it was just an obligation, and he didn't like it.

"Yes, is there any? Come on, tell me a few words, and I'll give you a reference." Li Shang nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"No." Leng Luoyan smiled lightly and replied lightly.

He was influenced by Leng Yufeng and Leng Yichen, and the candidate for his wife is also someone he wants to love.However, he should be a person without love now.The playful and lively figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and he shook his head secretly, how could he suddenly think of that dead girl, he hadn't seen her for a while, she didn't bicker, maybe he was a little uncomfortable.

"You have disappointed me so much. I thought you would reveal the name of some girl." Li Shang couldn't help shaking his head, looking at his calm appearance. Could it be that when he set off for the Blood Palace that day, what he saw? Isn't the woman who bickered with him the one he likes?
It should be. Could it be that this kid didn't realize it after knowing it? He stared at Leng Luoyan carefully, and then nodded to himself. He thought it was probably the case.

(End of this chapter)

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