The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 331 The Ocean Is Different 1

Chapter 331 The Ocean Is Different 1
The dazzling feeling just now is definitely not an illusion. What is there on the bottom of the sea?
Leng Yichen noticed her strangeness, looked at her with puzzled eyes, and asked silently.

Lan Zihan made a gesture and went up to talk.Although they are good at water, it is not enough to spend such a long time in the sea.

Leng Yichen nodded, and the two of them swam towards the sea together.

"Patta." The two surfaced, splashing water.

The two got up and flew towards the big boat, causing a splash of water.

"Come up so soon?" Ye Feiyu looked at the two in surprise.

Lan Haoliu frowned slightly, thinking, the sea is so far away from the bottom of the sea, even if the sun is so big, it will not shoot into it, even if there are reflective objects on the bottom of the sea, but the sea is so deep and the reflection is so dazzling, what is it?
"Han, what's on the bottom of the sea?" Leng Yichen looked at Lan Zihan in confusion.

"There is a place on the bottom of the sea that reflects light, and it was dazzling for a moment." Lan Zihan said what he saw.

"What's there?" Leng Yichen raised his eyebrows.

If it was a trivial matter, she wouldn't care so much, so there should be something strange about it.

"Well, I plan to visit again later." Lan Zihan nodded, there was always an inexplicable attraction in her heart, this was the first time, what is there on the bottom of the sea?She must go and see for herself.

"What treasure is there in the bottom of the sea?" Ye Feiyu looked at the two in puzzlement, and listening to their words, there was something different in the bottom of the sea.

Li Shang and the others also lost interest in fishing, and stepped forward to inquire.

"I'm not sure yet, I'll find out after a while." Lan Zihan shook her head, she didn't dare to be too sure, but she was sure that there was something different on the bottom of the sea.

"Together." Mo Wuchen said softly with a curve on his lips.

"Yeah, together, I've lived here for so many years, and I still don't know what's so strange about the bottom of the sea, let's go exploring together." Li Shang said with a smile.

"Yeah." Lan Zihan nodded, it was easy to observe people, and they had nothing to do anyway.


The six stood on the edge of the boat, took a deep breath, and jumped into the sea together, causing waves to ripple.

Lan Zihan headed towards the direction she saw at the bottom of the water just now, she paid special attention to that place when she came up, so she was able to find it at this time.

Leng Yichen and the others followed behind her without disturbing her.

It is summer now, so they will not feel cold in the water, the temperature is just right, and they feel cool.

There was another dazzling flash of light, this time the other five people all noticed it and swam towards that place one after another.

As she got closer and her sight became clearer, Lan Zihan approached the shining place, her brows slightly frowned, and there was a look of shock in her eyes, that was, that was...
The color is crystal clear, there is rainbow light lingering inside, and the room is full of brilliance. It is a piece of excellent rainbow glass jade, as big as a bird's egg, as bright as a bright glow, as embellished as crisp, with five-color patterns wrapped around the jade, beautiful jade. Flawless and crystal clear, this jade half-moon shape is exquisitely crafted, pure red, without any impurities.

One corner of the jade pendant has a small word, 'Purple'.

That jade, that jade is the jade pendant she has been wearing in modern times, it is exactly the same, she will not admit it wrong, that piece of jade is unique, and that word, she is very sure.

She carried it with her all the time when she was a child, and never left it, but her soul came here, but the jade pendant was not there, but why is it here?
(End of this chapter)

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