Chapter 349
The temperature in the room kept rising.

After a long time, Leng Yichen reluctantly let go of her, and held her in his arms with that doting smile on his lips.

Lan Zihan leaned on his chest, adjusted her breathing, her cheeks were slightly blush because of the agitation just now, it was alluring and extremely charming.

"Chen, are you hungry?" Lan Zihan asked again, it was already noon, they had been out for so long, and they hadn't eaten anything yet.

"Little guy, you're hungry." Leng Yichen rubbed her hair, and said softly, "I'm going to prepare something to eat."

You can't starve his little guy, he needs to take good care of his body.

"Just wait, I'll cook a meal for you myself today." Lan Zihan smiled, wrapping her hands around his waist.

She will cook some food. When training in the modern Sahara desert or the Amazon River, she has nothing to eat. She looks for food in the jungle, and she must be careful what is poisonous. That period of training was hard, but the results were also Obvious.

Even though she ascended to the position of the boss of the mercenary world, she has eaten all those delicacies, which are delicious and which are not. She has tasted them all, and she never treats herself badly.

Leng Yichen paused, staring fixedly at Lan Zihan with a strange look in his eyes: "Okay."

The aura on his body was very gentle, in stark contrast to his delicate and perfectly sculpted face, the expression on his face was so gentle, and the starry eyes were full of smiles.

It has to be said that when he heard what Lan Zihan said, I personally cook a meal for you today, his heart was moved, joyful and satisfied.

When a person you love deeply says that he wants to cook for you, that emotion cannot be expressed in words.In short, he is very happy.

"Well, go downstairs to see if there are any materials." Lan Zihan pulled Leng Yichen and walked downstairs.

When the two went downstairs, they saw such a scene.

Ye Feiyu was dressed in blue, lying reclined on the sofa, sleeping beautifully, with a handsome and elegant posture, a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes closed tightly, his whole body felt easy-going, and he fell asleep enjoying himself .

On the other sofa, Mo Wuchen lay flat on it, dressed in white clothes that surpassed the snow, elegant and slender, with a tall and slender figure, the corners of his mouth were slightly curled into a curve, his long and straight eyelashes covered his eyes that were as clear as water, and he breathed evenly , The whole body is filled with a faint and soft breath.

It is really beautiful, a beautiful picture, the two of them are such outstanding men, if it is in modern times, it is estimated that those nympho girls must have red hearts in their eyes, and they will jump directly at them.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not wake them up.

Leng Yichen frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

Leng Luoyan and Li Shang didn't know where to go, and they didn't see the figure, so they were not worried.

Lan Zihan walked into the kitchen and looked around. There was no material, and she wasn't surprised. I don't know how long it took to build this place, and even if there was food, it was already inedible.

Lan Zihan gestured to Leng Yichen, Leng Yichen nodded, and the two walked towards the gate together.

"Chen, let's look for something to eat." Lan Zihan smiled, took Leng Yichen's hand and walked out of the villa.

Leng Yichen's sexy thin lips were slightly pursed into an arc, with a gentle expression, he nodded, and walked forward with her.

(End of this chapter)

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