Chapter 358 Pregnant 6
"Okay." Leng Yichen chuckled, and hugged her slender waist even tighter.

"Chen, when do you plan to fight Yue Yexie after you go out?" Lan Zihan is most concerned about this matter.

Yue Yexie has a fierce personality, so he is the most dangerous. There is nothing dangerous in Mengxi Country, but he is afraid that this person will play tricks behind his back and catch him by surprise.

"Go back to Tianchen first, Yue Yexie will not wait until this time to attack us, he is a smart person, he will understand the situation at this time, which is not good for them. Let's go back to Tianchen to recuperate for a while, and when we are ready, we can attack us at any time You can go." Leng Yichen said softly, his voice was deep and magnetic.

He didn't plan to waste any more time this time, making a quick decision to win the world, but he had to prepare everything well, otherwise no matter how fast the speed was, without perfect resourcefulness and tactics, no matter how many people there were, it would be useless.

"Well, haste makes waste." Lan Zihan nodded, she also understands this truth, Yue Yexie can keep a low profile for so long, slaughter those princes overnight, and control the whole Yue Zhuo, he should not be underestimated.

Even if a person is too powerful, he still needs to strategize. If he is reckless and goes to the Yuezhuo Kingdom to fight, he is very stupid and arrogant.

"It's fine for me to go, and you can raise your baby in the Prince Chen's Mansion after you go back." Leng Yichen stroked her hair and said softly.

Lan Zihan is pregnant, he doesn't want her to follow him around, the battlefield is very chaotic, if the fetal gas hurts her, he will definitely go crazy.

He knew that her martial arts were very good, she was capable enough to protect her, and no one could hurt her.However, he is still worried, worried that she is pregnant and running around, her rest time is not harmonious, and she is tired every day, which will hurt her body.

He is not worried about the child in her womb, what he is worried about is that the child in her womb will implicate her. If she is not pregnant, he is not worried, but at this moment, it cannot be compared with it.

"Chen, I'm not a weak woman, you should know, now I'm just pregnant, it's nothing, the child is still young, and there are still eight months before delivery." Lan Zihan smiled lightly and said softly.

She knew what he was worried about. She was not that weak, she was just pregnant, and no one could hurt her. She wanted to be with Leng Yichen, to fight hand in hand with him, even if she was by his side It's good to be with you.

She knew that Leng Yichen was very strong, and maybe he had powers that she didn't know. She didn't like waiting for news in Tianchen, and went with him in person, so that her heart would be at peace.She is not one of those ordinary women, she has to take good care of the fetus when she is pregnant, she is not used to that kind of life, she is used to fighting in the bloody storm, her body is not comparable to that of ordinary women, moreover, she believes in her The vitality of the child in the womb is very tenacious.

"Okay." Leng Yichen smiled helplessly, and didn't insist any more.

He knew that the little woman in his arms would not be peaceful, and sure enough, it was just as he expected.Then, he didn't need to refute anymore, if she wanted to go with her, then go, he knew that no matter how much he objected, it would be futile.

He doesn't worry about her martial arts, that weird body technique, that fierce technique, that heaven-defying spiritual power, none of which can be compared by ordinary people, so he can let go of the worries in his heart.

"Well, believe me." The corners of Lan Zihan's lips curled slightly, her smile was like a flower, instantly dazzled Leng Yichen's eyes, and there was a rippling in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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