The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 360 Elimination of the Dark Palace 1

Chapter 360 Elimination of the Dark Palace 1
The six went straight back to the Blood Palace. In the living room, Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan were having lunch.

"Han'er, you're back." Hua Xiyan spotted the people with sharp eyes, and hurriedly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands and said.

She also knew about the big movement yesterday, she thought it was the noise that happened on the sea when they were rescued that day, but the news came from the servants that it was a mountain trembling, and looking at the young palace master and Mo Wuchen Several people went there.

She was worried. Jiulan Yunbo didn't ask anyone to patrol and disturb him. He said they would be fine, so he had to trust them.Although she was worried in her heart, she also believed in Jiulan Yunbo's words. He had not done anything he said, and she could see that Lan Zihan and the others were not simple. The vague worries were finally let go.

"En." Lan Zihan nodded and sat down at the table.

"Why don't you play for a few more days, it's rare to be free." Jiulan Yunbo said with a smile.

As he thought, they'll be fine.

"I'm not in a hurry to play, I also took a tour yesterday." Lan Zihan stared at Jiulan Yunbo with her phoenix eyes, and said softly.

"If you have anything to talk to your grandfather about, it's okay to say it straight." Jiulan Yunbo smiled and looked at Lan Zihan.

He could tell that she came here for something, but he didn't know what it was, and he was not the kind of person who beat around the bush, so he wouldn't hide anything in his heart.

"I want to solve the matter of the dark palace as soon as possible." Lan Zihan looked at Jiulan Yunbo with her phoenix eyes. When she came out, she had something to say, but he had to say that he was thoughtful and accurate in judging people.

"Are you in a hurry to go back?" The smile on Jiulan Yunbo's face subsided slightly, he knew that Lan Zihan would leave, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.Her asking this now means that she wants to settle the matter of the dark palace and then go back.

"No rush, it's just that Han is pregnant, it's better to return to Tianchen as soon as possible, otherwise the child in her belly will grow bigger and bigger, and I'm afraid it will be inconvenient on the road." Leng Yichen stared at Jiulan Yunbo and said in a deep voice.

He has no objection, but Lan Zihan said that she will go back if she wants to deal with the matter here. Naturally, she will not object, it is the same anywhere, but it will be better to go back to Tianchen, after all, he has lived there for more than 20 years The place, and Lan Zihan also likes it there.

Jiulan Yunbo's body paused slightly, and a gleam of joy flashed across his eyes: "Han'er is happy." His originally depressed mood was immediately diluted by the news that his granddaughter was pregnant, and he had a great-grandson.

Well, the news is good, he is very happy.

"Han'er, the child has been a few months old, why didn't I tell my grandma, I really have lingering fears about such a big move a few days ago." With a deep joy in her eyes, Hua Xi walked up to Lan Zihan. Looking at her flat stomach, there is still no change.

Thinking of the big commotion and danger of the battle at sea a few days ago, she was afraid for a while, but luckily they were all safe and sound.

"I just found out yesterday." Lan Zihan smiled softly, she is not a delicate woman, she has to stay at home to raise the baby at home, so it's no wonder that she is not bored.

Even if she had known earlier, she would have gone to that battle.

Covering the flat abdomen with one hand, the corners of the mouth are slowly raised, and there is a small life in the abdomen that is gradually growing, which is really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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