The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 363 Elimination of the Dark Palace 4

Chapter 363 Elimination of the Dark Palace 4
"Chen, do you like Manjusawa?" Lan Zihan didn't continue to ask about tomorrow's battle, but shifted the topic to the bloody and alluring Manjusawa in front of her.

"I like it." Leng Yichen raised his eyes to look at Manjusawa in the garden, raised his eyebrows, coquettish and bloodthirsty, the red fruit is red, generally speaking, ordinary people would avoid this kind of flower and dislike it Yes, this is the color of blood, reminiscent of killing.

This flower is not liked by others, but he doesn't hate this flower, on the contrary, he likes it quite a lot. This kind of flower is very beautiful, coquettish and thrilling.

Flowers bloom on the other side and there is no shore
The soul is lost and the river is still in the river
I don't know Yanbohao when I'm drunk
dimly lit in a dream
The flowers and leaves have not seen each other for thousands of years
Flowers can't understand words, flowers nod
The Buddha crosses my heart, the Buddha sighs in emptiness

The Buddha said it was the Bana flower

The other shore flower blooms
When the flowers bloom on the other side,
only a ball of red;
flowers without leaves,

leafy without flowers;

Miss each other but can't meet each other.

There are records of this flower in ancient books, but he rarely sees it, but he sees it here a lot.

He never believed those absurd stories, he only believed in himself and Lan Zihan, the relationship between them would not be like this sad Manzhushahua.

"If you like it, then take some back and plant them in the Prince Chen's mansion, I like it too." Lan Zihan's phoenix eyes smiled, looking bright.

She decided that before she left, she would ask Hua Xiyan how this flower was cultivated, and she would also plant this flower in Chenwang's mansion.

"Okay." Leng Yichen lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her red lips, then left.

As long as it is what she likes, he will not object, and he also likes this flower.

Lan Zihan raised her eyes, met his deep and dark eyes, looked at the endless pampering in his eyes, looked at him, the corners of her lips slightly curled up, she stopped talking, and lay quietly in his arms Here, enjoying the sunshine.

In the air, the scent of manjusawa and the familiar smell of him filled her nose, everything was so beautiful.

Dawn, like a sharp sword, splits the silent night and ushered in the rising sun.
It was already dawn, and the spring-like morning light streamed in from the small window. On the branches, the little birds were chirping non-stop.

The dawn of the dawn lifts the veil of the night, spit out the brilliant morning light, and ushered in a new day.

The newly born dawn is like a tender red baby, trembling three times in the thick splash.

The rising sun rises with a strong smell of wine, spreading a kind of infinite drunkenness to the vast sky of the field...

The sky is gradually breaking, the pale blue sky is inlaid with a few remnant stars, and the earth is hazy, like a veil of silver-gray shrouds.

Leng Yichen, Leng Luoyan, Ye Feiyu, Mo Wuchen and Li Shang are all dressed up, and behind them are some people brought by Leng Yichen, as well as the people against the sky and the people from the Blood Palace.

Jiulan Yunbo didn't go, he just stood aside quietly, looked at them with a smile in his eyes, then restrained his expression, and said in a deep voice: "This time we go to attack the dark palace, we will definitely take them down. You can rest assured, let go Just do it, the Dark Palace will be uprooted today."

The words were thrown to the ground with a loud sound, as if a thousand catties weighed on everyone's hearts.

Everyone's back was straight, standing quietly, focused and calm, listening to Jiulan Yunbo's words.

They had received the news yesterday that they were going to attack the people in the Dark Palace today, and they were also well prepared. This battle was bound to take down the Dark Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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