The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 366 Elimination of the Dark Palace 7

Chapter 366 Elimination of the Dark Palace 7
Jiulan Yunmo has a violent temper. Everyone who knows current affairs is a hero, and try not to provoke him if they can. They just listened silently.

"Haven't you all figured out how to solve the maze?" Jiu Lan Yunmo tapped his fingers on the table and glanced at the people in the hall. His tone was neither soft nor slow, but the gloomy and vague anger in it was not tolerated. ignore.

His feet were burnt in a small area by the sea of ​​fire last time, and he had to recuperate for several days before healed up. Most of the people he took with him were lost. How can he be in a good mood, how can he calm down.

He really couldn't figure out why that little girl had that weird skill, so against the sky, if she wanted it in this world, she would get it.Such a powerful person, how should he deal with it quickly.

The method to break the maze has not yet been figured out, and his heart is already on the verge of breaking out.

"This subordinate is stupid and has not figured it out yet." The people in the hall replied in unison.

It's not that they don't want to solve the maze, it's just that the difficulty of the maze is too high, and they are not proficient in the maze.

"Someone from the outside world entered here again the day before yesterday and went to the Blood Palace. I don't know who it is." Jiu Lan Yunmo tapped his fingers on the table, repeatedly.

Mo Wuchen and Li Shang must have told outsiders the method of breaking the maze, otherwise how could outsiders enter.

The news came back yesterday, and he also learned of it yesterday.

He didn't know who came in. The person who sent the news said it was some men. As for the identity, he didn't find out.

People from the outside came in again and again, and he could no longer sit here with peace of mind. He knew that those people from the outside must be related to Lan Zihan and the others.

This will only be more and more unfavorable to the dark palace, but he can't find a way to break the maze, damn it.

The people in the hall fell silent, they also heard the news, but they were anxious and couldn't find a way.

The hall suddenly fell into a dead silence, like a harbinger of a storm.

There was silence in the hall, and the faint footsteps outside the hall could be clearly heard.

Jiulan Yunmo frowned slightly, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

"Palace Master, the Blood Palace is coming, and the ship is slowly approaching the Dark Palace." An ordinary-looking man hurried in, knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

He had already used the fastest speed in his life to report this matter. If it was any later, the situation might not be within their control.

"What did you say?" Jiu Lan Yunmo jumped up, staring at the man coldly.

"People from the Blood Palace are coming, and there are no less than a hundred ships. The Young Palace Master is leading people to stop him on the shore." The ordinary-looking man nodded and elaborated on the key point again.

"Damn it, gather your people immediately and follow me to support." Jiulan Yunmo was furious, and hurriedly stepped off the high platform and headed out of the hall.

All the people in the hall looked serious, they didn't dare to delay any longer, and went to gather people one after another.

The news came so suddenly that they couldn't guard against it. They didn't expect that the Blood Palace would raid again, and it was still so fast.

The hall suddenly became empty, and everyone ran towards the outside of the hall.

On the seashore, Jiulan Qihao looked at the boats less than 50 meters away from the shore, clenched his fists, did not panic, but was calm, he quietly arranged the people around him, defended, hid, and listened to orders at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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