The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 373 Confrontation Again 7

Chapter 373 Confrontation Again 7
He didn't dodge or dodge, waiting for Leng Yichen's long sword to strike.

Leng Yichen looked at him without any movement, and frowned slightly, he would not foolishly think that he would just let you stab him like that and not fight back.The long sword was less than one meter away from Jiulan Yunmo, the blade turned and struck towards his lower body.

Jiulan Yunmo had originally planned to take him down with one blow. Seeing his sudden change, he frowned, and his figure stepped back. The long sword in his hand drew a half-arc in the air, blocking him. At the same time, the figure stopped, stepped forward quickly, and stabbed towards his throat.

Leng Yichen looked indifferent, unhurried, and quickly dodged his attack. The psychic figure rose to a height, and his five fingers formed claws, grabbing at the back of his neck.

Jiulan Yunmo snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and disappeared in front of Leng Yichen.

Leng Yichen's figure stopped, his eyes scanned around, but he didn't find him, a bloodthirsty smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were slightly closed, and he listened to the movement around him with his ears.

He could hear the whistling wind, the friction of weapons from the fighting below, and the sound of long swords entering his body, all of which could be heard keenly in his ears.

Suddenly, the wind speed from the southeast increased, with a sharp momentum, he sneered, did not move, as if he didn't notice it.

The wind speed is getting faster and faster, and the place is less than one meter away from him, and the next moment, it seems to pass him by.

Suddenly, he moved, and the figure turned around at the fastest speed, and struck in the southeast direction, stabbing mercilessly with the long sword.

"Hmm." There was a slight muffled hum in the air, although it was extremely light, Leng Yichen still caught it.

He opened his eyes, looked at Jiulan Yunmo in front of him, and said coldly: "No one told you not to peep at other people's skills."

Invisibility, he is not qualified enough.

If it was Lan Zihan, he couldn't catch it clearly, because she reduced the wind speed to the lowest, almost to zero, so it was difficult for him to catch her figure.But that was only for Lan Zihan.

For Jiulan Yunmo, he can control his direction, as long as he listens quietly, as long as he thinks, he can sense his direction, as long as there is such a small movement, he can determine his position.

He knew that he must have fought against Lan Zihan before, had seen her show off that move, and wanted to learn from the gourd, hehe, that was a fantasy.Although he has mastered some skills, although for ordinary people, he is already very good.However, in his eyes, he was too far behind.

Jiulan Yunmo looked down at the long sword on his left shoulder. The tip of the sword directly penetrated his shoulder, and fresh blood flowed out from the wound.He looked up at Leng Yichen, and snorted coldly: "So what?"

After the words fell, he mobilized his inner strength, his figure retreated, the long sword left his left shoulder, and blood flowed out again, staining half of his clothes red.

This is what he learned from Lan Zihan. Last time, he fell into her hands, so he went back and studied her skill. After pondering for many days, he realized most of it.

He was careless, how could he underestimate this black-clothed man, he is already so powerful, and he gets along with Lan Zihan day and night, so he has seen this move regularly.

"You are not worthy." Leng Yichen smiled coldly, the bloodthirsty intent flashed across his eyes, and with a movement of his figure, he rushed towards Jiulan Yunmo.

(End of this chapter)

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