The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 375 Confrontation Again 9

Chapter 375 Confrontation Again 9
Leng Yichen strode up to him, looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly: "You are nothing more than that."

Jiulan Yunmo wiped off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, looked at him with dark eyes, and snorted coldly: "Really?"

The hands hidden in the sleeves were tightly clenched into fists, and the gloomy aura on his body soared. No matter who heard this sentence, he couldn't keep calm, and he was still an outsider who had never been seen by him, which made his heart proud How could he swallow this breath.

He didn't have time to prepare for that blow from Leng Yichen just now, he took it all, his internal organs were overwhelmed, and there was a burst of pain, but his pride did not allow him to lower his head and show his vulnerable side, he must be very embarrassed at this moment, his whole body Most of the skirt was stained with blood.

"What do you think?" Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes seem to be a vast starry sky, with a whirlpool that seems to suck you in, making it impossible for people to figure out what he is thinking at the moment.

He did not deny that Jiulan Yunmo was quite strong, and few people in the outside world could match that high and profound martial arts.

"Hehe." Jiulan Yunmo laughed a few times in a low voice, his voice was gloomy and terrifying.

Suddenly, he slapped the ground, and with a powerful internal force in his hand, he struck towards Leng Yichen's chest.

This change of his made everyone unexpected, but Leng Yichen, who had been observing him, saw it.Seeing that something was wrong with Jiulan Yunmo, he was already vigilant, and when he realized that he had made a move, he flew away and at the same time gathered an internal force in his hand, facing Jiulan Yunmo's palm.

"Bang" There was a huge cracking sound between the two of them, and both of them were blown away.

At the same time, some people who were closer to them were also affected and shaken out.

"Pfft..." Jiulan Yunmo backed away a few meters away, his internal organs churned, and he spit out a mouthful of blood again, his body shook slightly, and he staggered a few steps before he stabilized his figure.

Leng Yichen was also thrown a few meters away by the shock, the long sword drew a long curve on the ground, stabilized his figure, his face was cold, his star eyes looked at the embarrassed Jiulan Yunmo, and he smiled coldly: "You lost .”

He walked in the direction of Jiulan Yunmo with strides, with a murderous air all over his body, and no one around him dared to approach him.

"There are talented people from generation to generation, hehe. I am really too confident." Jiulan Yunmo slowed down, looked at Leng Yichen with dark eyes, and said in a deep voice.

Before that, he had been refusing to admit that he was powerful, and he was inherited from the Jiulan clan. How could ordinary people be able to match Gao Chen's martial arts.

He planned to create a dark palace, turned against the blood palace, and formed two factions of his own. He plotted against his elder brother Jiulan Yunbo, he stained this peaceful and comfortable place with blood, and he stirred up desires in other people's hearts.He wholeheartedly wants to go out to win the world and look down on the common people.

Haha, now that I think about it, it's really stupid.

He remembered that girl Lan Zihan said, you are already old, and the people outside are not as insignificant as you see.

He didn't believe it at first, but he admitted that that girl is a strange thing, she is very unique, and her weird skills and martial arts made him look at her differently.

However, he still didn't believe it.

Now, after a test with the girl's husband, the man in black, he realized that he was wrong and outrageous, and that his pursuits over the years were all fantasy and foolishness.

(End of this chapter)

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