The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 378 Occupying the Dark Palace 1

Chapter 378 Occupying the Dark Palace 1
Quiet, except for the rustling wind in the forest, there is nothing else, perhaps because most people rushed to the front to support, so only a few people were left here.

The forest is dense, and the sun only penetrates a little, adding a touch of gloom to this forest.

The air here is too oppressive, completely different from that of the Blood Palace.The Blood Palace is a paradise, a dreamy fairyland, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the scenery is beautiful.

And here, after entering this land, the aura is too depressing, perhaps because the people here are planning how to get out and how to get rid of the Blood Palace all year round.

Even Leng Luoyan, who had a cheerful personality, had a dignified expression and a restrained breath at this time, and he did not relax his vigilance at all.

The group of people did not speak, they just moved forward quickly, heading for the depths of the forest.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the trees in front of them became sparse, and the golden light penetrated the forest, adding a little light to the inside, as if it wanted to shine into people's hearts and drive away the gloom in their hearts.

The road ahead is getting wider and wider, and after a while, I walked out of this forest, and my field of vision became wider, giving people a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

The breath of the wind is gentle, and it is often because it blows over from the flowery mountain forest, it brings a faint fragrance from afar, connected with a breath of moist water, caressing your face, gently wrapping around your shoulders Waist, let a person feel comfortable for a while.

The small bridge, flowing water, and colorful flowers are completely inconsistent with the feeling of the forest.

Ye Feiyu whistled: "Luo Yan, this dark palace is really strange. The forest is so gloomy, but this is a beautiful place."

It is not known whether Jiulan Yunmo was too abnormal, or whether he did it on purpose.

"Who knows, a weirdo." Leng Luoyan pouted, indicating that he didn't know either.

He is not interested in Jiulan Yunmo, this is the first time he has entered the territory of the Dark Palace, so it can only be said that the scenery is really weird, but there is no sense of disobedience.

"The scenery in the Blood Palace is better, like a fairyland, I feel so comfortable staying there." Xi Lei also said softly.

Even if the scenery here is beautiful, it cannot compare to the land of the Blood Palace.

"I have the same feeling." Xi Dian nodded in agreement.

As they chatted and laughed, they gradually approached the headquarters of the Dark Palace, and a palace in front stood out from the crowd, revealing in everyone's sight.

Everyone fell silent and approached quietly, their whole bodies on alert, not letting go of any movement around them.

On the top of the red vermilion lacquered gate hangs a black gold-threaded nanmu plaque, on which are inscribed with two large characters 'Dark Palace'.

The golden roof and red gate of the palace, this antique style, makes people feel solemn.
There was no one outside the hall, and there was no sound from inside the palace.

Ye Feiyu gestured and approached the palace quietly.

Everyone understood and didn't bother, keeping their breath restrained and waiting in place.

Ye Feiyu came outside the palace, looked into the palace with his eyes, raised his eyebrows differently, and there was no one there.Is Jiulan Yunmo so relieved, or is he very confident that they can't come in here.

He turned around and gestured to everyone, who nodded and quickly approached him.

"No one." Leng Luoyan frowned slightly. He always felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell why there was no guard here.

(End of this chapter)

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