The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 387 1 Everything Returns to Calm 2

Chapter 387 Everything Returns to Calm 2
Jiulan Yunbo smiled knowingly, but didn't say much.

"I, Jiulan Yunmo, swear in the sky that I will never commit crimes in the Blood Palace again, and I will never seek domination of the world again. If there is any violation, heaven and earth will perish." Jiulan Yunmo raised one hand above his head and swore loudly.

The most important oath of their Jiulan clan is an oath made in blood, a promise made in blood, if there is a breach, the oath will come to fruition, and they will abide by it.

Jiulan Yunbo smiled coldly: "Remember the oath you made today. If I find out that there are people in the dark palace who have evil intentions, I will tear him into pieces. You should know my methods." He is not a kind person, and being soft-hearted to the enemy is cruel to himself. He once ruled the world and was in charge of the hegemony, not just in vain.

"Don't worry, they won't violate it." Jiulan Yunmo said in a deep voice.

He has worked hard with Jiulan Yunbo before, and he knows that he will do what he says.His methods are vigorous and ruthless, he has seen it before, don't talk to him, he won't follow your example, one is one, no matter what happens, he won't get second.

"It's best like this." Jiulan Yunbo said coldly, then stopped looking at him, turned around and walked towards the big ship on the sea.

Ye Feiyu and Leng Luoyan had just seen the change in the situation, and they had already turned around and called back all the people who stayed at the headquarters of the dark palace, just in time.

A group of people boarded the boat in a mighty manner, and it didn't take long before they left the shore and returned to the big boat.

"Start the boat and return to the Blood Palace." Jiulan Yunbo raised his big hand, and his majestic and domineering voice spread far away with his internal force.

Everyone understood, turned the bow of the boat, and drove away in the direction it came from.They know that everything is over, all the troubles, all the grievances, are all settled today.

Leng Yichen stood standing on the bow of the boat, looking into the distance with his eyes, it was the blue sky and the clear sea water, all he was thinking about was the cold woman in white, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, his little guy, again It won't be long before they can go back, to their own home.

"Yichen." Jiulan Yunbo came to his side, saw that he was looking into the distance with fascination, so he couldn't help but speak.

Today he saw Leng Yichen's ability, wise mind, iron-blooded wrist, and profound martial arts, all of which he admired.

It is true that there are talents from generation to generation.

"Huh?" Leng Yichen put away his thoughts, looked back at Jiulan Yunbo, wondering what he meant.

Jiulan Yunbo smiled softly: "You are very powerful and reliable. I can trust Han'er to you. In this world, you are the only one who understands her best and is the most suitable for him."

What he said was true, and it all came from the heart.He could see that only in front of Leng Yichen would Lan Zihan have that rare tenderness and smile, would she show her other side, and those were all for the man in front of her.

And their relationship is very good, which can be seen from the way they get along.Leng Yichen doted on Lan Zihan endlessly, he only had Han'er in his eyes and nothing else.He has no other intentions about the matter of the Blood Palace, but purely for Lan Zihan.If it is someone else, I am afraid that they will use this relationship to ask for more.

However, as proud and powerful as him, he knew that Leng Yichen would not do this, nor would he allow it. He had his own dignity and his own arrogance.

Because they are the same kind of people, so he can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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