Chapter 400
Nangong Xueling simply strolled around the imperial capital, but felt that it was too boring.

She didn't need to buy anything, and she didn't like those daughters who like shopping, so they turned around and walked back. It would be better to sleep in the room after shopping like this.

When she returned to Qingyue Tower, the waiter saw her and was about to stop her, saying that your friend came to look for her.However, she walked too fast and disappeared in the stairwell.

He shook the rag in his hand, smiled, and she would see her when she returned to the room, he was overwhelmed.

Nangong Xueling walked all the way through the corridor, came to her private room, pushed open the door, went in and closed the door, was about to turn around, suddenly stopped her body, narrowed her eyes slightly, with a touch of coldness in her eyes, and said coldly : "Who?" Turning around, he searched around the room.

There was someone in her room, if she hadn't noticed it when she entered the door just now, then she would have noticed it the moment the door was closed, the breath here obviously had a little more fragrance.

Her eyes stopped on the big bed, although there was a curtain blocking her, but it still did not hinder her sight, her eyes narrowed slightly, that purple robe, that familiar fragrance, that evil face, it wasn't who Yue Yexie was.

Why is he here?

He seemed to know that she was here, so he stayed here specially to wait for her.Damn it, she felt like throwing herself into a trap.

"Hehe." Yue Yexie's deep and hoarse voice came from the big bed, making one's heart tremble with evil charm.

He turned sideways and looked at Nangong Xueling through the tent: "I said, don't try to escape from me, you won't be able to escape." At least, she couldn't leave until he got tired of her.

Nangong Xueling rolled her eyes, she was not annoyed, she sat on the chair by the window, looked at him with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you find it, I will stay here, you don't need to worry that I will escape again, so please come back, Your Highness." It's your room, girl, I'm going to rest." The meaning is obvious, and the order to evict the guest is issued.

She is not afraid of Yue Yexie, she will not leave here for the time being, the protagonist has not seen it, if she leaves, it will be a waste of time, that is not her style.

"Three poles in the sun, can you sleep?" Yue Yexie sat up, got out of bed, walked to the chair opposite Nangong Xueling and sat down.

"Whether I can sleep or not is my business. It's your Highness, why did you come to Tianchen?" Nangong Xueling yawned and said calmly.

She won't pretend to be sentimental to think that Yue Yexie came here specifically to catch her, and she doesn't have that much face.

"You don't need to know about His Highness's matter." Yue Yexie poured a cup of tea and tasted it lightly.

Nangong Xueling rolled her eyes: "Isn't it because of the second concubine? As far as I know, Prince Chen and the second concubine are not in Tianchen. Doesn't this just give you a chance?" Although she has a hot temper, she is watching these things. I understand.

Tianchen's two backbones are absent, leaving only the emperor Leng Yufeng in charge. Although his methods are also very powerful and should not be underestimated, but Yue Ye is very evil, how can he not think of the things she can think of? However, there must be some preparations.

"No one told you that a woman doesn't need to be so smart?" Yue Yexie glanced at her and said in a deep voice.

Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan don't know when they will come back, the current situation is completely beneficial to him, but Leng Yufeng's side is not so easy to deal with.

For Nangong Xueling's tone, he was very displeased.

Does she, Yue Yexie, have to wait until they are away before she can take any action?

(End of this chapter)

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