The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 411 Accompanying You to Visit the Imperial Capital 6

Chapter 411 Accompanying You to Visit the Imperial Capital 6
favorite person.
He used to have it too, and he loves his mother and concubine the most.
"Yue Yexie, what do you plan to do in the future? Do you want to fight for the world? What will you do if you win the fight? What if you lose your hand?" Nangong Xueling asked casually, but she didn't know that this question entered Yue Ye evil heart.

She is very curious, these ancient royal family members always fight for power, and then want to dominate the world, why?Are rights really that important?

In other words, these are the ambitions and desires of the parties involved.

Yue Yexie paused slightly, but her casual question left him speechless.

His evil eyes looked at the slowly flowing lake, as if he was thinking deeply and pondering.

What to do after fighting for the world?After he got the world, he took the whole world into his pocket and used it for him.Will he be happy then, will he be satisfied?

He never thought about why he fought for the world, maybe to prove himself, or to protect himself from bullying, he could kill whoever he wanted.

He used to hide his strength and bide his time in secret until he got to where he is today, but he didn't feel happy in his heart.

His favorite concubine mother is gone, no one will care about him, worry about him, or care about him.

If you get the world, then you will spend your whole life in the palace with deep walls, controlling the life and death of others, but you are trapped, and there is no sincere person to accompany you.

However, he knew that it was not that simple to win the world. His opponent was so powerful, the four kingdoms were divided into three, and the remaining one was also closely related to Tianchen. It was not easy for him to win the three kingdoms in one fell swoop.

What if you miss it?

If it is a single mistake, what will be lost is the entire moon, the world will be divided into one country, and the sky will be unified.

If you make a mistake, there is no way to fight back.

The last time he was in Mengxi Country, he just missed Yuezhuo and let Leng Yichen win.

So, it doesn't matter if you seize the opportunity, it depends on your real strength.

He didn't think about these problems, he just did things with his own emotions and identity, he wanted to compete with Leng Yichen.

Are you ignoring your truest thoughts?
Or, he has never seen his heart clearly, what exactly he wants.
Nangong Xueling called him a few times but he didn't respond, so she moved closer to him and waved her hand in front of his eyes: "What are you thinking?"

What's up with him?It's really cloudy.

Yue Yexie paused slightly, grabbed her shaking hand in front of her eyes, turned over and pressed her under her body, her eyes were dangerous: "What do you want to do?"

Damn it, he was so fascinated just now, if the person beside him is an enemy, someone who wants to harm him, then it is the best time to strike.

Nangong Xueling didn't expect him to make such a sudden move, and before she could guard against it, she was pressed under him, and her back felt a pain.

"Aren't you going to see it clearly before talking about it?" She glared at Yue Yexie, frowning, damn it, is it necessary to use such force?She asked out of kindness, who did she kill him, damn it.

"Now I can see clearly." Yue Yexie looked at the anger on her face, and then remembered his actions just now, annoyed, what happened to him?
He must have used too much force just now. If it was normal, he would have already pinched the other party's neck with his big hands. That was the Achilles' heel.

It's just that, subconsciously, he didn't treat her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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