Chapter 437 So Provocative 2
The implication is that the vision is too high, you can't get married, and you are old.

The corner of Nangong Xueling's mouth twitched, your sister's girl, your whole family is all girls.

Damn, she is so beautiful, why can't she get married?I rely on.

She smiled, and said very naturally: "Don't bother you two to worry, I can definitely get married." She is not in a hurry to get married, maybe she will never get married in this life, she will die alone and be alone forever .

"It's so good." Li Shang and Leng Luoyan said the same sentence tacitly.

The two looked at each other and smiled at each other, brother, you know my heart well.

Nangong Xueling smiled indifferently: "Could it be that the two of you are so concerned about other people's affairs?" She was only looking at the other people in the hall right now.

The two men who spoke just now, one in Tsing Yi, have fair skin, calm temperament, good-looking facial features, and the faint smile on their faces added a ray of sunshine to him.The other one is dressed in blue, with a handsome and tall figure, fair complexion, and a cute baby face, which is irresistible.

The most unique temperament is the man in white who has been eating his own breakfast and has never spoken a word from the beginning to the end.

I saw him dressed in white, with snow-white skin, a tall and heroic nose, attractive red lips, and a pair of beautiful eyes that were free from any impurities, clear but bottomless.Her complexion was crystal clear like jade, and her long dark hair hung down her shoulders, giving off a faint light.Tall and tall, with an air of immortality, and a face that is pure and refined, like a god.

The evil spirits of the Nangong group have the urge to scold their mothers. Could it be that in ancient times it was a place for handsome men? Yue Yexie was like this, Leng Yufeng was like this, and so were the two men who made fun of her. The same is true.

As for Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan, let alone the existence of monsters.

These men still have different temperaments, but they are all so outstanding.

"How many months have you been pregnant?" Nangong Xueling asked Lan Zihan, she decided not to talk to those two men, otherwise she would take action sooner or later.

"Almost three months." Lan Zihan said lightly while drinking tea.

In more than six months, the child will be born, and she will be a mother.

It's unbelievable to think about it, but everything is so real, recalling the past, meeting, acquaintance, falling in love, falling in love.For her, the unattainable love, family affection and friendship all happened to her, and her heart gradually warmed up.

"I want to be a godmother." Nangong Xueling looked at Lan Zihan with a smile, imitating the appearance of the child she gave birth to in her mind.

How you think is excellent, how you think is handsome, how you think is weird.The posture of heaven and man is different from ordinary people.

"I said, you are a girl who doesn't know anything about being reserved. Before you get married, you want to be the godmother of a child. Go away." There was a hint of playfulness in Li Shang's eyes.

"I said, you see I'm upset, right?" Nangong Xueling smiled sweetly.

Yue Yexie looked at the smile on her face, frowned slightly, and there was a look of displeasure in her eyes, but she didn't say anything, her eyes shifted to Lan Zihan, she was leaning on Leng Yichen, very comfortable.

"Not really, it's just that you talk too much nonsense." Li Shang said innocently, with that appearance, as pure as it could be.

Nangong Xueling snorted coldly: "This girl has a good stomach, so I don't care about it like you."

(End of this chapter)

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